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International Review of Administrative Sciences

International Review of Administrative Sciences

An International Journal of Comparative Public Administration

eISSN: 14617226 | ISSN: 00208523 | Current volume: 90 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS ) is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to academic and professional public administration. Founded in 1927 it is the oldest scholarly public administration journal specifically focused on comparative and international topics. IRAS seeks to shape the future agenda of public administration around the world by encouraging reflection on international comparisons, new techniques and approaches, the dialogue between academics and practitioners, and debates about the future of the field itself.

IRAS is the official journal of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). IRAS is published in three different language editions - English, French and Chinese.

"As the global village is evolving understanding the diversity of national perspectives on a growing variety of issues is an essential necessity, not a luxury. The careful selection of topics and articles in the International Review of Administrative Sciences provides a wealth of information for developing such understanding and meeting the needs of practitioners and academics." Arie Halachmi, Institute of Government at Tennessee State University, USA and Zhongshan University, China

"I have been doing research and editing in comparative public administration for the last twenty five years. I have always found the International Review of Administrative Sciences indispensable reading. It provides us with articles containing glimpses of new theoretical thinking, but also with accounts of best practices introduced by governments around the world." Ignacio Pichardo, Former President of IIAS, El Colegio Mexiquense

"International Review of Administrative Sciences offers thought-provoking contributions from both scholars and practitioners on a wide variety of topics related to international and comparative administration. Few journals can match IRAS in presenting timely analysis, dialogue, and debate on administrative issues from the industrialized countries of the global North, both in Europe and the Americas, and from the developing and transitioning nations of the global South." Derick W. Brinkerhoff, RTI Senior Fellow in International Public Management Research Triangle Institute

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

All issues of International Review of Administrative Sciences are available to browse online.

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International Review of Administrative Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to academic and professional public administration. Founded in 1927 it is the oldest scholarly public administration journal specifically focused on comparative and international topics. IRAS seeks to shape the future agenda of public administration around the world by encouraging reflection on international comparisons, new techniques and approaches, the dialogue between academics and practitioners, and debates about the future of the field itself.

IRAS is the official journal of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). IRAS is published in four different language editions – English, French, Spanish and Chinese.

The IIAS exists to advance the study and practice of public administration and public management. It operates at a global level and is funded by states world-wide; but is independent of any of them and, through its links with the United Nations, seeks to develop a voice and vision that is neutral, as objective as possible and grounded in the exigency of the fact. Although it has existed for over seventy years (since 1930), the Institute's focus is on the present and the future. How governance is done and how it could be done better; how the law of administration applies and how it might be applied more correctly; and how the management of public affairs is conducted and how it might be done best - all of these reflect its activities. Accountability is a core value for the institute. Those who exercise authority must account for its use to those on whose behalf they use it. Public Administration is the key activity that connects between the power-holders and the citizen. We believe it should be effective, efficient and economical in its execution of the duties and rights of the state. We support modern governance and proper public administration and believe these should be carried out in a way that actively acknowledges diversity, that is respectful of identity and serious belief and that reflects balance.

Sabine Kuhlmann Potsdam University, Germany
Deputy Editors
Gene Brewer University of Georgia, USA
Ricardo Correa Gomes FGV São Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil
Shamsul Haque National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sara Melo Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Martial Pasquier Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Lausanne, Switzerland
Tobias Polzer WU Wien, Austria
Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar Universidad de Granada, Spain
Journal Manager
Frederico Ganz Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany
Global Editorial Committee
Christina Andrews Federal University of Sco Paulo UNIFESP, Brazil
Evan Berman Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
Jörg Bogumil Chairperson of the IIAS Finance Committee, Belgium
Jacques Bourgault ENAP - National School of Public Administration, Canada
Derick W Brinkerhoff RTI - Research Triangle Institute International,USA
Robert Cameron University of Cape Town, South Africa
David Carassus Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France
Christoph Demmke Potsdam University, Germany
Jean-Michel Eymeri Douzans University of Toulose, France
Gavin Drewry Royal Holloway University, UK
Mauricio Ivan Dussauge-Laguna Centro de Investigacion y Docencias Economicas (CIDE), Mexico
Patrice Dutil Ryerson University, Canada
Alain Eraly Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Isabelle Fortier ENAP - National School of Public Administration, Canada
Francesca Gains University of Manchester, UK
David Giauque Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Switzerland
Sharon Gilad Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Marcel Guenoun Ministry of Economy and Finance, France
Gyorgy Hajnal Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Gerhard Hammerschmid Hertie School of Governance, Germany
Nikolaos-Komninos Hlepas National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Yijia Jing Fudan University, China
Paul Joyce Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Masao Kikuchi Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
Toshiya Kitayama Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Kilkon Ko Seoul National University, Korea
Yoshiko Kuni Tokyo Gabugei University, Japan
Wai-Fung Lam University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Eliza W.Y. Lee University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Elke Löffler Governance International, UK
Michael Mannin Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Andrew Massey International School for Government, Kings College London, UK
Albert J. Meijer Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
M. Jae Moon Yonsei University, South Korea
Gedeon M. Mudacumura Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, USA
Carmen Navarro University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain
Juraj Nemec Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
Sue Newberry University of Sydney,Australia
Bamidele Olowu Africa Europe Foundation, Netherlands
SoonAe Park Seoul National University, South Korea
François Pichault University of Liège, Belgium
Isabella Proeller University of Potsdam, Germany
Pierre-Charles Pupion University of Poitiers, France
John S. T. Quah National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Adrian Ritz University of Berne, Switzerland
Christian Rouillard University of Ottawa, Canada
Seriye Sezen TODAIE, Turkey
Ed Stazyk Rockefeller College of Public Affairs, New York University, USA
Xuhong Su University of South Carolina, USA
Tao Sun Nankai University, China
Ian Seator Thynne Charles Darwin University, Australia
Sandra Van Thiel Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Frédéric Varone University of Geneva, Switzerland
Jean-Patrick Villeneuve Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Lausanne, Switzerland
Manchuan Wang China National School of Administration, China
Clay G Wescott Asia Pacific Governance Institute, USA
Wilson Wong The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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