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Journal of Drug Issues

Journal of Drug Issues

eISSN: 19451369 | ISSN: 00220426 | Current volume: 54 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
Journal of Drug Issues (JDI), published quarterly, has been dedicated since its inception to providing a professional and scholarly forum centered on the national and international problems associated with drugs, especially illicit drugs. It is a refereed publication with international contributors and subscribers. As a leader in its field, JDI is an instrument widely used by research scholars, public policy analysts, and those involved in the day-to-day struggle against the problem of drug abuse. Published in Association with Florida State University, The College of Criminology & Criminal Justice.

The Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) was incorporated as a nonprofit entity in the State of Florida in 1971. In 1996, JDI was transferred to the Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and the Richard L. Rachin Endowment was established to support its continued publication. Since its inception, JDI has been dedicated to providing a professional and scholarly forum centered on the national and international problems associated with drugs, especially illicit drugs. It is a refereed publication with international contributors and subscribers. As a leader in its field, JDI is an instrument widely used by research scholars, public policy analysts, and those involved in the day-to-day struggle against the problem of drug abuse.

Associate Editors
Amy Anderson University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
J. C. Barnes University of Cincinnati, USA
Bruce Benson Florida State University, USA
Khanh Bui Pepperdine University, USA
Jonathan Caulkins Carnegie Mellon University, USA
John K. Cochran University of South Florida, USA
Eric J. Connolly Sam Houston State University, USA
Heath Copes The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Karen Corsi University of Colorado - Denver, USA
Spencer De Li University of Macau, China
Matt DeLisi, Ph.D. Iowa State University, USA
Abby Fagan University of Florida, USA
Jason Ford University of Central Florida, USA
Jamie Gajos University of Alabama, USA
Christine E. Grella University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Joseph R. Guydish University of California, San Francisco, USA
John Hoffman Brigham Young University, USA
Dan Mears Florida State University, USA
Zofia Mielecka-Kubien Karol Adamiecki University of Economics, Poland
Helene Raskin White Rutgers University, Center for Alcohol Studies, USA
Michael D. Reisig Arizona State University, USA
Judith A. Richman University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Paul Roman University of Georgia, USA
Joseph A. Schwartz Florida State University
Chris Sullivan University of Cincinnati, USA
Chad R. Trulson University of North Texas, Denton, USA
John Wright University of Cincinnati, USA
Kevin M. Beaver Florida State University, USA
Managing Editor
Samantha Allen Florida State University, USA
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    Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) possesses the exclusive right of original publication. While authors are permitted unlimited use of their articles, copyright of the collected work is held by JDI. Requests for permission to reprint an article should be submitted in writing to JDI. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily express those of the publisher or editors of JDI.

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