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Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness

Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness

Published in Association with American Foundation for the Blind

eISSN: 15591476 | ISSN: 0145482X | Current volume: 119 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-monthly
The Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (JVIB) is the essential professional resource for information about visual impairment. The international peer-reviewed journal of record in the field, it delivers current research and best practice information, commentary from experts on critical topics, news, and events.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Practitioners and researchers, policymakers and administrators, counselors and advocates rely on JVIB for its delivery of cutting-edge research and the most up-to-date practices in the field of visual impairment and blindness. JVIB offers immediate access to information from the leading researchers, teachers of students with visual impairments, orientation and mobility practitioners, vision rehabilitation therapists, early interventionists, and low vision therapists in the field.

Robert Wall Emerson Western Michigan University, USA
Editor Emerita
Jane N. Erin University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
Associate Editors
Susan Bruce Boston College, USA
Stacy Kelly Northern Illinois University, USA
Tessa McCarthy University of Pittsburgh, USA
Janet Szlyk The Chicago Lighthouse and University of Chicago at Illinois, USA
Practice Editor
Rona L. Pogrund Texas Tech University, USA
Consulting Editor, Research
Dae Kim Western Michigan University, USA
Editorial Advisory Board
Susan Bruce Boston College, USA
Mary Frances Cotch National Eye Institute, USA
Frances Mary D'Andrea University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jane N. Erin University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
M. Cay Holbrook (Chair) The University of British Columbia, Canada
Stacy Kelly Northern Illinois University, USA
Sandra Lewis Florida State University, USA
Lauren J. Lieberman The College at Brockport Kinesiology, USA
Tracy L. Matchinski Illinois College of Optometry, USA
Tessa McCarthy University of Pittsburgh, USA
Michele Capella McDonnall Mississippi State University, USA
Rona L. Pogrund Texas Tech University, USA
Pamela Sieving National Institutes of Health Library, USA
Yue-Ting Siu San Francisco State University, USA
Lachelle E. Smith Salus University, USA
Janet Szlyk The Chicago Lighthouse and University of Chicago at Illinois, USA
Robert Wall Emerson Western Michigan University, USA
Ex Officio Members
Sarahelizabeth Baguhn American Foundation for the Blind, USA
Laura Bozeman University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Diane Fazzi Board of Trustees, American Foundation for the Blind, and California State University–Los Angeles, USA
Arielle Silverman American Foundation for the Blind, USA
Editorial Staff
Rebecca Burrichter American Foundation for the Blind, USA
Stephanie Enyart American Foundation for the Blind, USA
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