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The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society

eISSN: 14617323 | ISSN: 13505084 | Current volume: 32 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

Organization brings forth critical perspectives in studies of critical management and organization studies, addressing significant current and emergent theoretical, meta theoretical and substantive developments in the field.

This is a time of unprecedented debate and diversity in organization studies, when intellectual reassessments go alongside a plurality of organizational forms and practices in a globalizing world. The central task for students of organization is to construct those analytical narratives and ethical discourses appropriate to the radically changing structural, theoretical and ideological realities we now face. Organization seeks to address this important task. 

Read Organization’s Manifesto here to understand the different types of critical work we publish.

The Manifesto has in part been inspired by the journal’s 30th anniversary in 2024 and the reflexive discussions that ensued at the Organization 30 Year Workshop in December 2023, which included current and past editors, members of the editorial board, and the journal’s readers. It also incorporates reactions and feedback received at Organization’s First Virtual Conference in December 2024, for as we note in the Manifesto, the journal is committed to non-hegemonic modes of radical pluralism. 

We welcome standard academic papers of up to 11,000 words (excluding references), as well as 'Speaking Out' pieces written to challenge contemporary orthodoxies, ‘Acting Up’ submissions supporting relevance, political engagement, resistance, and activism (both 4,000 words, excluding references) and 'Connexions' essays that tie together contemporary social problems and the study of organizing (6,000 words, excluding references). We will also publish rejoinders to any of our published articles, if the quality of the response justifies it. We also publish book reviews as well as media and artefacts reviews (1,500 words, excluding references). See the 'Submission guidelines' for more details.

Electronic access:

All issues of the Organization journal are available to browse online.

Submit your manuscript today at

AIMS: Organization is a peer-reviewed journal whose principal aim is to be a leading platform for transformative critical scholarship. The journal inculcates a pluralistic episteme in addressing a broad spectrum of issues. In doing so, it promotes an ethos which is explicitly:

  • speaking to the challenges of our time
  • open, reflective, imaginative and critical 
  • theory-driven 
  • international in scope and vision 


Organization facilitates exchange amongst scholars from a wide range of disciplinary bases and perspectives. It invites management and organization scholars as well as social scientists from all other disciplines interested in:

  • non-managerialist/non-functionalistic/non-positivist work on organizations and organizing
  • from a broad variety of critical perspectives (e.g., political economic, feminist, Marxist, post-capitalist, de-colonial, intersectional, critical discourse analytical, post-structuralist, neo-materialist, critical realist, post-humanist, critical psychoanalytic, etc.)


SCOPE: The journal encompasses a range of key theoretical and methodological debates and developments in critical organizational analysis, broadly conceived, identifying and assessing their impacts on organizational practices worldwide. Alongside more micro-processual analyses, it particularly encourages attention to the links between intellectual developments, changes in organizational forms and practices, and wider social, cultural and institutional transformations. In addition to established themes of continued significance to the development of the field, topics and themes addressed by Organization include:

  • Critical studies on domination, oppression, and power inequalities
  • Critical approaches that expose the language, affect and social practices of capitalism, patriarchy, supremacy, and coloniality
  • Critical studies on solidarity, post/decolonialism, posthumanism
  • Self-reflexive accounts of engaged and radical inclusivity
  • Anti and post-capitalist alternatives and utopias
  • Interrogation of the plural ontologies, lifeworlds and sustainable livelihoods of Indigenous communities
  • Alternatives to the market as a mode of organizing and the imperative of capital accumulation
  • Approaches that reclaim the economy of human and ecological care


Please note: If you wish your article to be freely available online immediately upon publication (gold open access, as some funding bodies now require), you can opt for it to be included in the SAGE Choice scheme subject to payment of a publication fee. The manuscript submission and peer reviewing procedure is unchanged. On acceptance of your article, you will be asked to let SAGE know directly if you are choosing SAGE Choice. Under this scheme, authors of articles in Organization are currently able to publish via SAGE Choice at a special discounted Article Processing Charge of US$750. For further information, please visit SAGE Choice. For more information on open access options and compliance at SAGE, including self author archiving deposits (green open access) visit SAGE Publishing Policies on our Journal Author Gateway.

Editors in Chief
Marcos Barros Grenoble School of Management, France
Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan
Associate Editors
Ismael Al-Amoudi Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Ozan Alakavuklar Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Fahreen Alamgir Monash University, Australia
Rafael Alcadipani FGV EAESP Brazil
Rutvica Andrjiasevic University of Bristol, UK
Hari Bapuji The University of Melbourne, Australia
Armin Beverungen Leuphana University Luneburg, Germany
Steffen Boehm University of Exeter Business School, UK
Alexandra Bristow The Open University, UK
Nick Butler Stockholm University, Sweden
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya Lund University, Sweden
Jana Costas Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Pascal Dey Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Martin Fougère Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Julie Labatut INRA
Emmanouela Mandalaki NEOMA Business School, France
Susan Meriläinen University of Lapland, Finland
Sara Louise Muhr Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Iain Munro Newcastle University, UK
Annalisa Murgia University of Leeds, UK
Daniel Nyberg University of Queensland, Australia
Ana Maria Peredo University of Victoria, Canada
Mie Plotnikof Aarhus University, Denmark
Kathleen Riach University of Glasgow, UK
Suhaib Riaz University of Ottawa, Canada
Yuliya Shymko Audencia, France
Sverre Spoelstra Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Nidhi Srinivas The New School, USA
Melissa Tyler University of Essex, UK
Koen Van Laer Hasselt University, Belgium
Kyoung-Hee Yu University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Book Editors
Emrah Karakilic Lancaster University Management School, UK
Genevieve Shanahan Cardiff University, UK
Media and Artifacts Editors
Penelope Muzanenhamo University College Dublin, School of Business, Ireland
Devi Vijay Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
Social Media Editors
Jennifer Manning Maynooth University, School of Business, Ireland
Editorial Board
Chahrazad Abdallah Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada
Paul Adler University of Southern California, USA
Mats Alvesson Lund University, Sweden
Maria Ceci Araujo Miso UFRGS, Brazil
Jeremy Aroles University of York, UK
Karen Lee Ashcraft University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Junaid Ashraf University of Essex, UK
Bobby Banerjee Bayes Business School, UK
Amon Barros FGV-EAESP, Brazil
Emma Bell Open University, UK
Ilaria Boncori University of Essex, UK
Joanna Brewis University of Leicester, UK
Todd Bridgman Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Andrew Brown University of Bath, UK
Attila Bruni University of Trento, Italy
Catherine Casey University of Leicester, UK
Carl Cederstrom Stockholm University, Sweden
Rashedur Chowdhury University of Essex, UK
Sneha Chrispal Monash University, Australia
Stewart R Clegg The University of Sydney
Alessia Contu UMass Boston, USA
Douglas Creed University of Rhode Island, USA
Leanne Cutcher University of Sydney, Australia
Barbara Czarniawska University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Karen Dale University of Lancaster, UK
Sadhvi Dar Queen Mary University of London, UK
Christian De Cock Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Penny Dick University of Sheffield, UK
Michaela Driver New Mexico State University, USA
Paul du Gay Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Yvonne Due Billing Copenhagen University, Denmark
Gabrielle Durepos Mount Saint Vincent University, France
Seray Ergene URI College of Business, USA
Mahmoud Ezzamel Cardiff Business School and IE Business School, UK
Ziyun Fan University of York, UK
Peter Fleming City University, UK
Erica Foldy Nyu, USA
Jackie Ford Durham University Business School, UK
Mariana Fotaki University of Warwick, UK
Martin Fougère Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Yiannis Gabriel University of Bath, UK
Shiv N. Ganesh University of Texas-Austin, USA
Christina Garsten SCORE, Stockholm, Sweden
Silvia Gherardi University of Trento, Italy
Sarah Gilmore Cardiff University, UK
Chris Grey Royal Holloway University London, UK
Philip Hancock University of Essex, UK
Gerry Hanlon Queen Mary University, London, UK
Nancy Harding University of Bath, UK
Jean Helms Mills Saint Mary's University, Canada
Stefan Heusinkveld Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Joel Hietanen University of Helsinki, Finland
Daniel Hjorth Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Charlotte Holgersson Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Isabelle Huault Université de Paris Dauphine, France
Yasmin Ibrahim Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Gazi Islam Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Srinath Jagannathan Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India
Nimruji Jammulamadaka IIM Calcutta, India
Maddy Janssens Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium
John M Jermier University of South Florida, USA
Campbell Jones University of Helsinki, Finland
Viktorija Kalonaityte Linnaeus University, Sweden
Emrah Karakilic Lancaster University Management School, UK
Dan Karreman Lund University, Sweden
Kate Kenny National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Farzad Rafi Khan MBS College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Saudi Arabia
Daniel King Nottingham Trent University, UK
Martin Kornberger University of Edinburgh, UK
Monika Kostera Södertörn University, Sweden
Arun Kumar University of Essex, UK
Chris Land Anglia Ruskin University
David Levy University of Massachusetts, USA
Patricia Lewis University of Kent, UK
Helena Liu University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Jennifer Manning Maynooth University, School of Business, Ireland
Richard Marens California State University, USA
Angela Martinez Dy Loughborouh University, UK
Gerlinde Mautner Vienna University of Economics and Business , Austria
Lucy McCarthy University of Bristol, UK
Debra Meyerson Stanford University, USA
Ali H. Mir William Paterson University, USA
Mathilde Mondon-Navazo Grenoble School of Management, France
Anna-Maria Murtola Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Alistair Mutch Nottingham Trent University, UK
Nisha Nair University of Pittsburgh, USA
Stella M Nkomo University of Pretoria, South Africa
Damian O'Doherty University of Liverpool, UK
Joe O'Mahoney University of Cardiff, UK
Banu Ozkazanc-Pan Brown University, USA
Samantha Parsley University of Portsmouth, UK
Veronique Perret Universite de Paris Dauphine, France
Amanda Peticca-Harris Grenoble Management School, France
Daniela Pianezzi University of Verona, Italy
Ajnesh Prasad Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Alison Pullen Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Linda Putnam University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Sigrid Quack University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Paolo Quattrone Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Alf Rehn Abo Akademi University, Finland
Juliane Reinecke University of Oxford, UK
Carl Rhodes UTS Sydney, Australia
John Roberts University of Sydney, Australia
Sarah Robinson University of Renens, France
Laurence Romani Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Michael Rowlinson Exeter University, UK
Ashar Saleem Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Pakistan
Marie Laure Djelic Sciences Po, School of Management and Innovation, France
Fernanda Sauerbronn Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Andreas Georg Scherer University of Zurich, Switzerland
Gregory Schwartz University of Bristol, UK
Maureen A. Scully University of Massachusetts, USA
Paulina Segarra Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico
Prajna Seneviratne The Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Graham Sewell University of Melbourne, Australia
Masoud Shadnam Sharif University of Technology
Dorothy Smith University of Victoria (Canada)
Patricia J Sotirin Michigan Technological University, USA
Andre Spicer City University, UK
Nidhi Srinivas The New School, USA
Chris Steyaert University of St Gallen, Switzerland
Antonio Strati Trento University, Italy
Andrew Sturdy University of Bristol, UK
Scott Taylor University of Birmingham, UK
René ten Bos Raboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Torkild Thanem Stockholm University, Sweden
Janne Tienari Hanken University, Finland
Barbara Townley University of St Andrews, UK
Eda Ulus University of Edinburgh, UK
Eero Vaara Swedish School of Economics, Finland and EM Lyon, France
Marieke Van den Brink Radboud University, Netherlands
Marc J Ventresca University of Oxford, UK
Bénédicte Vidaillet University Paris Est Créteil, France
Devi Vijay Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
Hugh Willmott Cardiff Business School, UK
Julie Wolfram Cox Monash University, Australia
Thomaz Wood RAE, FGV-EAESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hela Yousfi Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Kyoung-Hee Yu University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Larry Zacharias University of Massachussets at Amherst, USA
Managing Editor
Editorial Advisory Board
Yvonne Benschop Radboud University, Netherlands
Gibson Burrell University of Leicester, UK
Marta Calas University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
Raza Mir William Paterson University, USA
Glenn Morgan Cardiff Business School, UK
Martin Parker Bristol University, UK
Craig Prichard Massey University, New Zealand
Mike Reed University of Cardiff, UK
Linda Smircich University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
Robyn Thomas Cardiff University, UK
Patrizia Zanoni Hasselt University, Belgium
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  • You may access the submission guidelines of Organization journal here.

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