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Journalism & Mass Communication Educator

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator

Other Titles in:
Journalism | Journalism Education

eISSN: 21614326 | ISSN: 10776958 | Current volume: 79 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly

Established in 1944, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator (JMCE) addresses the professional needs of the journalism and mass communication educator and administrator on both collegiate and secondary levels. Publishing quarterly, JMCE is the largest, highest circulation, and oldest of any scholarly journal in the world devoted to education in journalism, public relations, advertising, mass communication, media studies and related fields. Featured articles include:

• teaching techniques
• new courses and technology to help promote excellence in the classroom
• statistical information on student enrollments and career interests
• trends in curriculum design
• surveys and opinion polls

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Editor in Chief
Vincent F. Filak University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA
Jami Fullerton Oklahoma State University, USA
Book Review Editor
Robin Blom Ball State University, USA
AEJMC Publications Committee
Alyssa Appleman University of Kansas, USA
Stephanie Craft University of Illinois, USA
Maria DeMoya DePaul University, USA
Teri Finneman (Chair) University of Kansas, USA
Karen Henderson University of Syracuse, USA
Sun Young Lee University of Maryland, USA
Uche Onyebadi Texas Christian University, USA
Chelsea Reynolds (Vice Chair) California State University, Fullerton, USA
Hyejoon Rim The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Translation Fellows
Anaelle Gonzalez French Translation Fellow
Pablo Gozalez Spanish Translation Fellow
Omneya Ibrahim Arabic Translation Fellow
Moldir Moldagaliyeva Russian Translation Fellow
Yiting Wang Translation Coordination Fellow
Weiwen Yu Chinese Translation Fellow
International Editorial Advisory Board
Debashis Aikat University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Sayyed Fawad Ali Shah Auburn University, USA
Hussein Amin American University in Cairo, Egypt
George Anghelcev Northwestern University, Qatar
Osei Appiah Ohio State University, USA
Mohammad Ayish American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Beth Barnes University of Kentucky, USA
Carlos Barrera University of Navarra, Spain
Marianne Barrett Arizona State University, USA
Thomas A. Bauer University of Vienna, Austria
Vincent L. Benigni College of Charleston, USA
Katherine A. Bradshaw Bowling Green State University, USA
Bonnie Brownlee Indiana University, USA
Kenneth Campbell University of South Carolina, USA
Sarah Cavanah University of Kansas, USA
Dane Claussen National Communication Association
Buroshiva Dasgupta Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India
Charles Davis University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Theresa de los Santos Pepperdine University, USA
Bryan Denham Clemson University, USA
Everette E. Dennis Northwestern University, USA
Arvind Diddi State University of New York at Oswego, USA
Tatyana Dumova Point Park University, USA
Stephanie East Troy University, USA
Heidi Hatfield Edwards Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Deni Elliott University of South Florida, USA
Kathleen A. Fearn-Banks University of Washington, USA
Jenny Fischer Colorado State University, USA
Romy Froelich Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
Kenn Gaither Elon University, USA
Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh Butler University, USA
Kim Golombisky University of South Florida
Jennifer Greer University of Kentucky, USA
Buroshiva Gupta Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
Robert Gutsche Lancaster University, UK
Frauke Hachtmann University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Jennifer Henderson Trinity College, Ireland
Christina Holtz-Bacha University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Patrick Johnson Marquette University, USA
Sriram Kalyanaraman University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Guo Ke Shanghai International Studies University, China
Alice Kendrick Southern Methodist University, USA
Edward M. Kian Oklahoma State University, USA
Yungwook Kim Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea
Lance Kinney University of Alabama, USA
Emily Kinsky West Texas A&M University, USA
Gerd G. Kopper University of Dortmund, Germany
Sonali Kudva Methodist University, USA
Carol Liebler Syracuse University, USA
Jeremy Harris Lipschultz University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Charles A. Lubbers University of South Dakota, USA
Samuel Martin-Barbero University of Miami, USA
Debra Mason University of Missouri, USA
Michael McDevitt University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Lori McKinnon Oklahoma State University, USA
Anthony Moretti Robert Morris University, USA
Bruce Mutsvairo Utrecht University, Netherlands
Kaarle Nordenstreng University of Tampere, Finland
Nicole O’Donnell Washington State University, USA
Penny O’Donnell University of Sydney, Australia
Zeny Panol Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Evangelia Papoutsaki UNITEC, New Zealand
John V. Pavlik Rutgers University, USA
Lizette Rabe University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Diana I. Rios University of Connecticut, USA
David Robie Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
B P Sanjay Manipal Institute of Communication, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka, India
Klaus Schoenbach Zeppelin University, Germany
Carol Schwalbe University of Arizona, USA
Edgar C. Simpson Central Michigan University, USA
Helena Sousa University of Minho, Portugal
Federico A. Subervi-Velez Kent State University, USA
S. Shyam Sundar Pennsylvania State University, USA
Mahmoud Tarabay Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Ryan J. Thomas Washington State University, USA
Violet Valdez Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Niranjana Vanalli Bengaluru North University, Karnataka, India
Patty Wharton Michael University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, USA
Charlotte Wien Syddansk University, Denmark
  • CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Information for Contributors 

    Journalism & Mass Communication Educator seeks contributions that support a community of faculty and student discovery, the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and their creative application to issues of import, both within and beyond classroom and Web site. The journal focuses on learning and teaching, curriculum, educational leadership, and elated exploration of higher education within a context of journalism and mass communication. Articles draw from a variety of theoretical approaches and methodological perspectives and should introduce readers to new questions, new evidence, and effective educational practices. 

    Scholarship is encouraged that is grounded in knowledge about the complexity of learning and respectful of student needs for multiple paths toward understanding; rooted in the disciplinary content of the professional and academic specialties we ask our students to master; and cognizant of the discipline’s long-standing commitment to the arts of liberty, not through vague aphorisms, but as solutions to educational, civic, and public needs.


    1. Submissions. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format to, where authors will be required to set up an online account on the Sage Track system powered by ScholarOne. Manuscripts should be no more than 4,000 words (excluding tables, charts, graphs, and references). One author must be chosen as the corresponding author and must input their full contact information. Corresponding authors need to completely enter all co-author information as well.

    2. Abstract and Author. An abstract of no more than 100 words must accompany each submission. Author identification should appear only on the title page and should included academic rank or professional title and applicable university and departmental affiliation.

    3. Style. Use APA 7th Edition guidelines. Please use in-text references, i.e., (Weston, 1972). Do not use op. cit., ibid., or bc. cit. Underline or italicize names of cities when using newspaper names, i.e., New York Times. In references and in book review headings, use postal code abbreviations for states; in regular copy, spell out.

    4. Heading Styles. First-level headings are typed in bold italic and justified left. Second-level headings are indented and typed in bold italic. Third-level headings are indented and typed in italic. Note this example:

    1. Method

    2. Sample. A random sample…

    3. Sampling Techniques. These techniques are useful when…

    5. Tables. When creating tables, use the Word Perfect table feature, Macintosh Word using the “Insert Table” command, or Quark with tabs. Do not duplicated material in text and tables. Tables and figures should be used only when they substantially aid the reader, not merely because computers make tables easy to create.

    6. Supplemental Guidelines: For instructions and guidelines on supplemental materials, please refer to the gateway here.

    Jami Fullerton 
    Oklahoma State University
    386-A North Hall, OSU-Tulsa
    Tel: (918) 594-8579

    Book Review Editor
    Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
    University of Nebraska at Omaha
    School of Communication
    ASH 108A, Omaha, NE 68182
    Tel: (402) 203-7247 • Fax: (402) 554-3836

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