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Published in Association with Royal Society of Medicine
Other Titles in:
Clinical Medicine

eISSN: 20542704 | ISSN: 20542704 | Current volume: 16 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Monthly

JRSM Open is a peer reviewed online-only journal that follows the open-access publishing model. It is a companion journal to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. The journal publishes research papers, research letters, clinical and methodological reviews, and case reports.

JRSM Open is an open access journal that requires authors to pay an article processing charge (APC) for production and open access publication of accepted articles. The APC for Research Letters is £355 (plus VAT where applicable) for RSM Members and £465 (plus VAT where applicable) for non-RSM Members. The APC for all other types of articles is £505 (plus VAT where applicable) for RSM Members and £625 (plus VAT where applicable) for non-members.


RSM Members

Non-RSM members

Research Letters



Other Papers: research papers, clinical reviews, and case reports



*All the above prices will have VAT added to them when applicable.

The APC is payable when a manuscript is accepted after peer review, before it is published. The APC is subject to taxes where applicable. Please see further details here.

Please direct any inquiries to the Editor, Dr Kamran Abbasi at

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submit your manuscript today at

The journal's aim is to inform practice and policy-making in clinical medicine. It has an international and multispecialty readership that includes primary care and public health professionals. The journal accepts articles of interest to any reader involved with improving patient care.

Professor Kamran Abbasi Royal Society of Medicine, UK
Editorial Board
Filipe Basto Universidade de Porto, Portugal
Shousong Cao Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Ping Chen Central South University, China
Qiang Ding University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Majid Ezzati Imperial College, UK
Xiang Fang University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Robin Ferner University of Birmingham, USA
Nick Freemantle University College London, UK
Xiaosi Han University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Ji Hong-Long University of Texas Health Science Centre at Tyler, USA
Gretchen Purcell Jackson Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, USA
Shiyong Liu Third Military University, China
Ben Lloyd Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Ian Maconochie Imperial College, UK
Josef Milerad Karolinska University, Sweden
Samiran Nundy Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, India
Andrew Papanikitas King's College London, UK
William Phillips University of Washington, USA
Saad Shafqat Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
Shaojin You Emery University School of Medicine, USA
Chinese Editorial Board
Shousong Cao Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Ping Chen Central South University, China
Qiang Ding University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Xiang Fang University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Chang-Qing Gao, Editor Xiang-Ya Hospital, China
Xiaosi Han University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Ji Hong-Long University of Texas Health Science Centre at Tyler, USA
Shiyong Liu Third Military University, China
Shaojin You Emery University School of Medicine, USA
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  • Google Scholar: h-5 index - 11, h-5 median - 13
  • ProQuest
  • PubMed
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.