1. Working with Standards and Benchmarks
Addressing the question, “What will I teach?”
The standards-based reform movement
State and Local Standards
National Professional Organizations
2. Philosophies of Curriculum and Instruction
3. The Role of Assessment
Assessment and Issues of Quality
Facilitating Student Self-Assessment
4. Direct Instruction
Case Study 4.1: 3rd Grade Abbreviations in Addresses
Case Study 4.1: Post-Lesson Reflection
The Stages of Direct Instruction
Case Study 4.2: Middle School – Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Case Study 4.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Direct Instruction
Technology and Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
Why Choose Direct Instruction?
5. Concept Attainment
Case Study 5.1: Second Grade Science
Stages of Concept Attainment
Case Study 5.2: Fifth Grade Math
Case Study 5.2 Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Concept Attainment
Concept Attainment and Technology
Concept Attainment, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
Why Choose Concept Attainment?
6. The Inductive Model
Case Study 6.1: First and Second Grade Multiage Social Studies
Case Study 6.1: Post-Lesson Reflection
The Stages of the Inductive Model
Case Study 6.2: Fifth Grade Social Studies
Case Study 6.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of the Inductive Model
Technology and the Inductive Model
The Inductive Model, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
Why Choose the Inductive Model?
7. Reciprocal Teaching (RT)
Case Study 7.1: Fifth Grade Reading
Case Study 7.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
The Stages of Reciprocal Teaching
Case Study 7.2: High School Government
Case Study 7.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Reciprocal Teaching
Technology and Reciprocal Teaching
Reciprocal Teaching, Content Standards and Benchmarks
Why Choose Reciprocal Teaching?
8. Question-Answer Relationship (QAR)
Case Study 8.1: Third Grade Language Arts
Case Study 8.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
Case Study 8.2: Middle School Science
Case Study 8.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of QAR
QAR, Content Standards and Benchmarks
9. Jigsaw
Case Study 9.1 High School Social Studies
Case Study 9.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
Stages of the Jigsaw Model
Case Study 9.2 Sixth Grade On-Line Research – A Jigsaw Modification
Case Study 9.2 Post Lesson Reflection
Additional Cooperative Learning Structures
A Brief History and Background of Jigsaw
Jigsaw, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
10. Role Playing
Case Study 10.1 Middle School Anger on the Playing Fields
Case Study 10.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
Themes in Role Playing for Social Studies and Literature
Case Study 10.2 Fourth Grade The Tattle Tale Problem
Case Study 10.2 Post Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Role Playing
Technology and Role Playing
Role Playing, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
11. Inquiry-Based Learning
Case Study 11.1: Middle School Science
Case Study 11.1: Post-Lesson Reflection
Structuring Inquiry-Based Learning Experiences
Case Study 11.2: Third Grade – Inquiry-Based Units
Case Study 11.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Inquiry-Based Learning
Technology and Inquiry-Based Learning
Inquiry-Based Learning, Content Standards, and Benchmarks
Why Choose Inquiry-Based Learning?
12. Synectics
Case Study 12.1: Middle School Writing
Case Study 12.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
The Stages/Structure of Synectics
Case Study 12.2: High School Science
Case Study 12.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Synectics
Synectics, Content Standards and Benchmarks
13. Advance Organizers
Case Study 13.1: High School Science
Case Study 13.1 Post-Lesson Reflection
The Stages of Advance Organizers
Case Study 13.2: Fifth Grade Social Studies
Case Study 13.2: Post-Lesson Reflection
A Brief History and Background of Advance Organizers
Technology and Advance Organizers
Advance Organizers, Content Standards and Benchmarks
Why Chose Advance Organizers?
14. Developing Original Instructional Units Based on Standards, Benchmarks, and Grade Level Expectations
What Is Curriculum? What Is Instruction?
State and District Content
Emphasizing the Relevance of the Curriculum
Diversity in Your Classroom
Sequencing Instructional Units
Choosing Models of Teaching
Modifying Instruction for Students with Special Needs
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
Assessing and Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness
Student-Centered Rationales for Curricular and Instructional Decisions