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Multiplication & Division

Multiplication & Division

Other Titles in:
Mathematics & Numeracy

June 2008 | 208 pages | Corwin
Formerly published by Zephyr Press Elementary students who have struggled with multiplication and division will experience less anxiety and greater success with these visual and kinesthetic strategies for building math skills. Packed with handy reproducible worksheets, assessments, and overheads, this resource can be combined with the companion books, Place Value and Addition &BAD:amp; Subtraction, to provide a comprehensive mathematics program.
1. Magic Fives
2. Mirror Images
3. Master Maps
4. Many Addresses
5. Magnetic Patterns
6. Make It Happen
7. Make Memories
8. Multi-Digit Multiplication
9. Multi-Digit Division
Appendix A: Student Blackline Masters
Appendix B: Teacher Assessments and Overheads

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ISBN: 9781569761960