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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

September 2014 | 1 664 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

The study of developmental disorders is an enormous and intrinsically multi-disciplinary field of research. The articles in this five-volume collection cover the myriad genetic and non-genetic developmental psychopathological conditions which are now known and being researched from a variety of perspectives, from dyslexia to autism and beyond. Covering a broad range of considerations around the topic, the papers in this major work seek to capture historical antecedents, contemporary themes, conceptual issues and cutting-edge methods in the study of human neurodevelopmental disorders. Each volume opens with a contextualising introductory passage written by the editors and the volumes are organised thematically for ease of navigation:

Volume One: Disorder Typology and explanatory frameworks

Volume Two: Behaviourally defined developmental disorders

Volume Three: Genetically defined developmental disorders

Volume Four: Developmental disorders and the environment

Volume Five: Multi-disciplinary approaches to developmental disorders

Behavioral Inhibition, Sustained Attention, and Executive Functions: Constructing a Unifying Theory of ADHD

Russell Barkley
A Comparative Study of Infantile Autism and Specific Developmental Receptive Language Disorder: I. The Children

Lawrence Bartak, Michael Rutter and Antony Cox
Developmental Aphasia and Brain Damage

Arthur Benton
The Effects of Early and Late Brain Injury upon Test Scores, and the Nature of Normal Adult Intelligence

D.O. Hebb
What Mental Retardation Teaches Us about Typical Development: The Examples of Sequences, Rates, and Cross-Domain Relations

Robert Hodapp and Jacob Burack
Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact

Leo Kanner
Development Itself Is the Key to Understanding Developmental Disorders

Annette Karmiloff-Smith
Developmental Dyscalculia

Ladislav Kosc
Language Disorders in Childhood

Eric Lenneberg
Concepts of Autism: A Review of Research

Michael Rutter
Defects of Non-Verbal Auditory Perception in Children with Developmental Aphasia

Paula Tallal and M. Piercy
Cognitive Neuropsychology and Its Application to Children

Christine Temple
Behaviour after Cerebral Lesions in Children and Adults

Hans-Lukas Teuber and Rita Rudel
Using Developmental Trajectories to Understand Developmental Disorders

Michael Thomas et al.
Does the Autistic Child Have a “Theory of Mind”?

Simon Baron-Cohen, Alan Leslie and Uta Frith
Nonword Repetition as a Behavioural Marker for Inherited Language Impairment: Evidence from a Twin Study

D.V.M. Bishop, T. North and C. Donlan
A Case-Control Family History Study of Autism

P. Bolton et al.
Delay versus Deviance in the Language Acquisition of Language-Impaired Children

Susan Curtiss, William Katz and Paula Tallal
Schizophrenia: Caused by a Fault in Programmed Synaptic Elimination during Adolescence?

I. Feinberg
Developmental Dyslexia: Four Consecutive Patients with Cortical Anomalies

Albert Galaburda et al.
Mathematical Disabilities: Cognitive, Neuropsychological, and Genetic Components

David Geary
Ameliorating Early Reading Failure by Integrating the Teaching of Reading and Phonological Skills: The Phonological Linkage Hypothesis

Peter Hatcher, Charles Hulme and Andrew Ellis
Developmental Prosopagnosia. A Single Case Report

Helen McConachie
Adolescence-Limited and Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Taxonomy

Terrie Moffitt
Familial Mental Retardation

Paul Nichols
Specific Language Impairment as a Period of Extended Optional Infinitive

Mabel Rice, Kenneth Wexler and Patricia Cleave
Very Early Language Deficits in Dyslexic Children

Hollis Scarborough
Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome with Haloperidol

Arthur Shapiro and Elaine Shapiro
Movement Analysis in Infancy May Be Useful for the Early Diagnosis of Autism

Philip Teitelbaum et al.
Bridging cognition, the brain and molecular genetics: evidence from Williams syndrome

Ursula Bellugi, Liz Lichtenberger, Debra Mills, Albert Galaburda, Julie R. Korenberg
Developmental and Behavioural Characteristics of Cri Du Chat Syndrome

K.M. Cornish and J. Pigram
Verbal Short-Term Memory in Down Syndrome: A Problem of Memory, Audition, or Speech?

Christopher Jarrold., Alan Baddeley and Caroline Phillips
Language and Williams Syndrome: How Intact Is "Intact"?

Annette Karmiloff-Smith et al.
Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots

J. Langdon Down
Les Chromosomes Humains En Culture De Tissus

M. Jérôme Lejeune, Marthe Gautier and Raymond Turpin
A Marker X Chromosome

H.A. Lubs
The Association of Angelman's Syndrome with Deletions within 15q11-13

M. Pembrey et al.
Evidence from Turner's Syndrome of an Imprinted X-Linked Locus Affecting Cognitive Function

D.H. Skuse et al.
The 22q11 Deletion Syndromes

Peter Scambler
Reading the Windows to the Soul: Evidence of Domain-Specific Sparing in Williams Syndrome

Helen Tager-Flusberg, Jenea Boshart and Simon Baron-Cohen
Fragile X Syndrome and Attentional De?cits

Jeremy Turk
A Syndrome of Infantilism, Congenital Webbed Neck, and Cubitus Valgus

Henry Turner
Praxic and Nonverbal Cognitive Deficits in a Large Family with a Genetically Transmitted Speech and Language Disorder

Faranah Vargha-Khadem et al.
Susan Curtiss
Feral Children
Developmental Disorders and Evolutionary Expectations: Mechanisms of Resilience

Barbara Finlay, Jeremy Yost and Desmond Cheung
Dopamine Transporter Alterations in ADHD: Pathophysiology or Adaptation to Psychostimulants? A Meta-Analysis

Paolo Fusar-Poli et al.
The Development of Language-Like Communication without a Language Model

Susan Goldin-Meadow and Heidi Feldman
Experience and Brain Development

William Greenough, James Black and Christopher Wallace
American Parenting of Language-Learning Children: Persisting Differences in Family Child Interactions Observed in Natural Home Environments

Betty Hart and Todd Risley
Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children

James Heckman et al.
Systematic Review of Early Intensive Behavioural Interventions for Children with Autism

Patricia Howlin, Iliana Magiati and Tony Charman
Mental Number Line Training in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia

K. Kucian et al.
Early Experience Is Associated with the Development of Categorical Representations for Facial Expressions of Emotion

Seth Pollak and Doris Kistler
Quasi-Autistic Patterns Following Severe Early Global Privation

Michael Rutter et al.
Development of Left Occipitotemporal Systems for Skilled Reading in Children after a Phonologically-based Intervention

Bennett Shaywitz et al.
Language Comprehension in Language-Learning Impaired Children Improved with Acoustically Modified Speech

Paula Tallal et al.
Cocaine Exposure Is Associated with Subtle Compromises of Infants’ and Mothers’ Social – Emotional Behavior and Dyadic Features of Their Interaction in the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm

E.Z. Tronick et al.
The Dietary Treatment of Phenylketonuria

L.I. Woolf
Early Cognitive and Language Skills Are Linked to Resting Frontal Gamma Power across the First Three Years

April Benasich et al.
Developmental Cognitive Genetics: How Psychology Can Inform Genetics and Vice Versa

Dorothy Bishop
Tangled Webs: Tracing the Connections between Genes and Cognition

Simon Fisher
Electrical Brain Responses in Language-Impaired Children Reveal Grammar-Specific Deficits

Elisabeth Fonteneau and Heather van der Lely
From Genes to Behavior in Developmental Dyslexia

Albert Galaburda, et al.
Dynamic Mapping of Human Cortical Development during Childhood and Adolescence

Nitin Gogtay et al.
The Endophenotype Concept in Psychiatry: Etymology and Strategic Intentions

Irving Gottesman and Todd Gould
ACORNS: A Tool for the Visualisation and Modelling of Atypical Development

D.G. Moore and R. George
The Prevalence and Phenomenology of Repetitive Behavior in Genetic Syndromes

Joanna Moss et al.
Deviations in the Emergence of Representations: A Neuroconstructivist Framework for Analysing Developmental Disorders

Andrew Oliver et al.
A Mouse Model for Down Syndrome Exhibits Learning and Behaviour Deficits

Roger Reeves et al.
Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Cortical Development through Early Childhood in Autism

Cynthia Schumann et al.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Is Characterized by a Delay in Cortical Maturation

P. Shaw et al.
GTF2IRD1 in Craniofacial Development of Humans and Mice

May Tassabehji et al.
Are Developmental Disorders Like Cases of Adult Brain Damage? Implications from Connectionist Modelling

Michael Thomas and Annette Karmiloff-Smith
A Functional Genetic Link between Distinct Developmental Language Disorders

Sonja Vernes et al.