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New Directions in Organizational Behavior

New Directions in Organizational Behavior

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2009 | 1 616 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
New Directions in Organizational Behaviour highlights the current studies and theories in the field of organizational behaviour reflecting the developments of the last 10 years. Following five overarching themes - the individual; individual and group interface in organizations; macro-organizational issues; organizational theories; and strategy and methodologies in organizational behaviour - this collection explores literature on state-of-the-art science and practice of organizational behaviour.

Cary Cooper used a distinguished editorial board in this field to help him in the selection process.


Professor Neal Ashkanasy, University of Queensland, Australia

Professor Arthur G Bedian, Louisiana State University, USA

Professor Arthur Brief, Tulane University, USA

Professor Stewart Clegg, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Professor Tom Cummings, University of Southern California, USA

Professor Boris Kabanoff, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Professor Gary Latham, University of Toronto, Canada

Professor Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA

Professor Jone L Pearce, University of California, Irvine, USA

Professor Jim Quick, University of Texas, Arlington, USA

Professor Arie Shirom, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Professor Randall S Schuler, Rutgers University, USA

Professor Paul Sparrow, Lancaster University Management School, UK

Professor Paul Spector, University of South Florida, USA

Part 1: The Individual
Section 1: Dispositional Effects in Organizational Behavior
Relating Member Ability and Personality to Work-team Processes and Team Effectiveness

Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Intelligence and Job Performance

M.R. Barrick, G.L. Stewart and M.J. Neubert
Proactive Behavior in Organizations

S. Cote and C.T. Miners
How important are Job Attitudes? Meta-analytic Comparison of the Integrative Behavioral Outcomes and Time Sequences

J.M. Crant
Darwinism, Behavioral Genetics and Organizational Behavior: A review and agenda for future research

D A Harrison, D A Newman and P L Roth
The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings

R. Ilies, R.D. Arvey and T.J. Bouchard, Jr.
Personality and Organizations A test of the homogeneity of personality hypothesis

F.L. Schmidt and J.E. Hunter
Absorptive Capacity A review, reconceputalization and extension

B. Schneider, D.B. Smith, S. Taylor and J. Fleenor
S.A. Zahra and G. George
Section 2: Motivation
Negative Self-efficacy and Goal Effects Revisited

A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover Update, moderator tests and research implications for the millennium

A. Bandura and E.A. Locke
Work Motivation Theory and research at the Dawn of the 20th Century

R.W. Griffeth, P.W. Hom and S. Gaertner
What Should We Do About Motivation Theory? Six Recommendations for the 21st Century

G.P. Latham and C. Pinder
Why People Stay Using job embeddedness to predict voluntary turnover

E.A. Lock and G.P. Latham
The Future of Work Motivation Theory

T. Mitchell, B. Holtom, T. Lee, C. Sablynski and M. Erez
R. Steers, R. Mowday and D. Shapiro
Section 3: Leadership
Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership.

Trust in Leadership Meta-analytic findings and implications for research and practice

B.J. Avolio and W.L. Gardner
Emotions and Leadership The role of emotional intelligence

K.T. Dirks and D.L. Ferrin
Mentor Functions and Outcomes A comparison of men and women in formal and informal mentoring relationships

J.M. George
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) research A comprehensive review of theory, measurement and data-analytic practices

B.R. Ragins and J.L. Cotton
C.A. Schriesheim, S.L. Castro and C.C. Cogliser
Part 2: Individual and Group Interface in Organizations
Section 1: Job and Organization Performance
The Contingent Value of Social Capital

How Much Does performance Matter? A Meta-analysis of CEO Pay Studies

R.S. Burt
Crafting a Job Revisioning employees as active crafters of their work

H.L. Tosi, S. Werner, J.P. Katz and L. Gomez-Mejia
A. Wrzesniewski and J.E. Dutton
Section 2: Job Satisfaction
Why Do Lay People Believe that Satisfaction and Performance are Co-related? Possible Sources of a Commonsense Theory

The Job Satisfaction Job Performance Relationship A qualitative and quantitative review

C.D. Fisher
T.A. Judge, C.J. Thoresen, J.E. Bono and G.K. Patton
Section 3: Teams and Groups in Organizations
The Ripple Effect Emotional Contagion and its influence on group behaviour

The Collective Construction of Work Group Moods

S.G. Barsade
Task Versus Relationship Conflict, Team performance and Team Member Satisfaction

C.A. Bartel and R. Saavedra
Learning More by Crossing Levels Evidence from Airplanes, Hospitals and Orchestras

C. De Dreu and L. Weingart
The Influence of Shared Mental Models on Team Process and Performance

J.R. Hackman
J.E. Mathieu, T.S. Heffner and G.F. Goodwin
Section 4: Career Development
Career Benefits Associated with Mentoring for Proteges A meta-analysis

Alternative Approaches to the Employee-Organizational Relationship Does investment in employees pay off?

T.D. Allen, L.T. Eby and M.L. Poteet
A.S. Tsui, J.L. Pearce, L.W. Porter and A.M. Tripoli
Part 3: Macro Organizational Issues
Section 1: Organization Stress and Well-Being
Health and Well-Being in the Workplace A review and synthesis of the literature

Work-Family Conflict, Policies and the Job-life Satisfaction Relationship A review and directions for organizational behavior human resources research

K. Danna and R.W. Griffin
Organizational Cynicism Extending the exit, voice, loyalty and neglect model of employees' responses to adverse conditions in the workplace

E.E. Kossek and C. Ozeki
An Examination of Attributions and Emotions in the Transactional Approach to the Organizational Stress Process

F. Naus Ad Van Iterson and R. Roe
Executive Health Building self-reliance for challenging times

P.L. Perrewe and K.L. Zellars
Affect and Favorable Work Outcomes Two longitudinal tests of the happy-productive worker thesis

J.D. Quick, C.L. Cooper, J.H. Gavin and J.C. Quick
T.A. Wright and B.M. Staw
Section 2: Emotions in the Workplace
Organizational Behavior Affect in the work place

Affective Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization A meta-analysis of antecedents, correlates and consequences

A. Brief and H. Weiss
The Dimensions, Antecedents and Consequences of Emotional Labour

J.P. Meyer, D.J. Stanley, L. Herscovitch and L. Topolnytsky
Towards a Theory of Psychological Ownership in Organizations

J.A. Morris and D.C. Feldman
J.L. Pearce, T. Kostova and K.T. Dicks
Section 3: Organization Culture
Organizations Unfettered Organizational form in an information-intensive economy

A Dynamic, Multi-level Model of Culture From the micro level of the individual to the macro level of a global culture

J. Child and R.G. McGrath
The Essential Impact of Context on Organizational Behavior

M. Erez and E. Gati
A Quarter Century of Culture's Consequences A review of empirical research incorporating Hofstede's cultural values framework

G. Johns
Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking

B.L. Kirkman, K.B. Lowe and C.B. Gibson
A Group-level Model of Safety Climate: Testing the effect of group C climate on microaccidents in manufacturing jobs

K. Weick, K. Sutcliffe and D. Obstfeld
D. Zohar
Section 4: Organizational Change
The Art of Continuance Change Linking complexity theory and time-paced evolution in relentlessly shifting organizations

Financial Consequences of Employment-Change Decisions in Major US Corporations

S.L. Brown and K.M. Eisenhardt
W.F. Cascio, C.E. Young and J.R. Morris
Part 4: Organizational Theories and Strategy
Section 1: Organizational Justice and Citizenship
Tit for Tat? The Spiralling Effect of Incivility in the Workplace

Justice at the Millennium: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research

L.M. Andersson and C.M. Pearson
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior

J.A. Colquit, M.J. Wesson, C.O.L.H. Porter, D.E. Conlon and K.Y. Ng
Losing Sleep over Organizational Injustice: Attenuating insomniac reactions to underpayment inequity with supervisory training in interactional justice

R.S. Dalal
Same Behavior, Different Consequences: Reactions to Men's and Women's Altruistic Citizenship Behavior

J. Greenberg
The Nature and Dimensionality of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A critical review and eta-Analysis

M.E. Heilman and J.J. Chen
J A LePine, A Erez and D E Johnson
Section 2: Strategic Organizational Behavior
Knowledge Transfer A basis for competitive advantage

Human Resource Management and Performance: A review and research agenda

L. Argote and P. Ingram
Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and the Organizational Advantage

D.E. Guest
Social Capital and Value Creation: The role of intrafirm networks

J. Nahapiet and S. Ghoshal
W.P. Tsai and S. Ghoshal
Part 5: Methodologies in Organizational Behavior
The Need for and Meaning of Positive Organizational Behavior

Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies

F. Luthans
Is There Such a Thing as "Evidence-based Management"?

P.M. Podsakoff, S.B. MacKenzie, J.Y. Lee and N.P. Podsakoff

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ISBN: 9781847872807