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Journal of Psychology and Theology

Journal of Psychology and Theology

Other Titles in:
Biblical Studies | Education | Religion

eISSN: 23281162 | ISSN: 00916471 | Current volume: 53 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly
The Journal of Psychology and Theology is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal publishing original research on the integration of psychology and Christian theology. Empirical studies (though purely conceptual pieces will also be considered) investigating the interrelationships between psychological (e.g., clinical, experimental, industrial/organizational, social, theoretical) and theological topics of study are welcome. Scholarship that explores the application of these interrelationships in a variety of contexts (e.g., mental health counseling, education and training, organizational leadership, churches and other Christian ministry contexts) and/or from an intercultural perspective are also encouraged.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The purpose of the Journal of Psychology and Theology is to communicate recent scholarly thinking on the interrelationships of psychological and theological topics of study, and to consider the application of these interrelationships in a variety of contexts such as mental health counseling, education and training, organizational leadership, and Christian ministry. Though empirical studies are preferred, purely conceptual pieces will also be considered.


Carissa Dwiwardani, PhD, ABPP Biola University, USA
Associate Editors
Eu Gene Chin, PhD Biola University, USA
Andrew Shelton, PhD Biola University, USA
Editorial Board
James R. Beck, ThM, PhD Denver Seminary, USA
Earl Bland, PsyD Biola University, USA
Richard Bollinger, PhD John Templeton Foundation, USA
Jeremy Bonta, PhD, LMHC Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA
Eric Brown, PhD Boston University, USA
Rodger K. Bufford, PhD George Fox University, USA
Jessica ChenFeng, PhD, LMFT Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
John Coe, PhD Biola University, USA
Kaye V. Cook, PhD Gordon College, USA
Sarah Crabtree, PhD, LMFT Boston University, USA
Eduardo Cumba-Avilés, Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras
Don Davis, PhD Georgia State University, USA
Laura Dryjanska, PhD Asbury University, USA
Brian E. Eck, PhD Azusa Pacific University, USA
David Entwhistle, PsyD Malone University, USA
Cynthia B. Eriksson, PhD Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
C. Stephen Evans, PhD Baylor University, USA
Christin Fort, PhD Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, PhD Biola University, USA
Melissa Houser, PhD, CPsych Independent Practice, Toronto, Canada
Joel Jin, PhD University of Washington, USA
Kathryn A. Johnson, PhD Arizona State University, USA
Paul Youngbin Kim, PhD Seattle Pacific University, USA
Joshua Knabb, PsyD California Baptist University, USA
Jason McMartin, PhD Biola University, USA
Gary W. Moon, PhD Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation, Westmont College, USA
Cassandra Page, PsyD Regent University, USA
Steve L. Porter, PhD Westmont College, USA
John Poston, PhD Biola University, USA
Steve Sandage, PhD Boston University, USA
Gary Sibcy, PhD Liberty University, USA
Erin Smith, PhD California Baptist University, USA
Brad D. Strawn, PhD Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
Siang-Yang Tan, PhD Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
Theresa C. Tisdale, PhD Azusa Pacific University, USA
Alan Tjeltveit, PhD Muhlenberg College, USA
Laura Upenieks, PhD Baylor University, USA
Peter Warren, PhD University of South Carolina, USA
William H. Watson, PhD University of Rochester, USA
Everett L. Worthington, Jr., PhD Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • ProQuest
  • PsycINFO
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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