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STEM in the Primary Curriculum

STEM in the Primary Curriculum

  • Helen Caldwell - University of Northampton, UK
  • Sue Pope - Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, UK

March 2019 | 200 pages | Learning Matters
How can teachers harness the power of STEM education and learning in the primary curriculum? This book gives practical STEM ideas for the classroom and supports teachers to make the most of opportunities for rich STEM experiences across the primary curriculum. This book:
  • Explores the nature of STEM education and why it matters
  • Highlights the opportunities for STEM learning across the curriculum
  • Supports teachers to design and innovate engaging STEM learning experiences
  • Includes a chapter on STEM in the early years.
Introduction: What is STEM education? Sue Pope
1. STEM and making links with home Amanda Smith
2. STEM in the Early Years Eleanor Hoskins
3. Primary science and STEM Rania Maklad
4. Mathematics in STEM education Sue Pope
5. Design and technology in STEM Ben Sedman and Anne Guilford
6. Foreign Language and STEM Pauline Palmer and Sarah Lister
7. Drama and STEM Rebecca Patterson, Mick Chesterman and Alison Ramsay
8. Engaging Girls in STEM Helen Caldwell, Sway Grantham and Neil Smith
9. Computing and STEM Yasemin Allsop
10. The arts in STEM: STEAM Helen Caldwell, Sway Grantham and Jean Edwards
11. Preparing for transition to secondary STEM David Barlex

The book covers various aspects of STEM education through multiple authors' lenses. I recommend it to anybody who study STEM.

Dr Hakan Islamoglu
Education, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
January 13, 2020

This is a useful book full of activities that is promoting a more STEM approach to the primary curriculum rather than a 'subject approach' and also encouraging what Papert called 'constructionism' learning via making. This will be a useful addition to any school's 'bookshelf' for teachers to dip into to encourage a more open critical thinking approach to STEM teaching. Looking for 'real' problems rather than packaged solutions to learning.

Mr Paul Hopkins
Faculty of Education (Hull), Hull University
July 16, 2019

Well organized book.

Dr Muhammet Mustafa Alpaslan
Education, Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitesi
August 21, 2019

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1: Stem and making links with home

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781526474353

ISBN: 9781526474360

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