Management Today - International Student Edition
Best Practices for the Modern Workplace
International Student Edition
- Terri A. Scandura - University of Miami, USA
- Kim Gower - University of Mary Washington, USA
Other Titles in:
Business & Management (General)
Business & Management (General)
January 2020 | SAGE Publications, Inc
Today’s ever-evolving workplace requires managers to hone new skills so they can make informed decisions, manage diverse teams, and lead change.
Management Today: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace cuts through the noise by introducing students to evidence-based management theories, models, and strategies. Experiential activities, critical thinking questions, and self-assessments provide students with hands-on opportunities to practice essential management skills. Authors Terri A. Scandura and Kim Gower provide best practices and explore timely issues like emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and virtual teams. Real-world cases explore good and bad examples of management, including the college admissions scandal, Theranos, and Walmart. In depth-coverage of big data, data analytics, and technology ensures students are ready to thrive in today's workplace.
Management Today: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace cuts through the noise by introducing students to evidence-based management theories, models, and strategies. Experiential activities, critical thinking questions, and self-assessments provide students with hands-on opportunities to practice essential management skills. Authors Terri A. Scandura and Kim Gower provide best practices and explore timely issues like emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and virtual teams. Real-world cases explore good and bad examples of management, including the college admissions scandal, Theranos, and Walmart. In depth-coverage of big data, data analytics, and technology ensures students are ready to thrive in today's workplace.
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Becoming a Manager
What Managers Do
What is Management?
The Management Process
A Brief History of Management Theory
Managerial Roles
Managerial Behaviors
Skills Managers Need Today
Plan for this Textbook
Managerial Implications
Part II: Planning
Chapter 2: Making Decisions and Using Analytics
Make or Break Decisions
Decision Making in Organizations
Decision Traps
Creative Problem Solving
Making Decisions Using Business Analytics
The Era of "Big Data"
Managerial Implications
Chapter 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility
What Role do Ethics and Social Responsibility Play in Effective Management
What do People Think of when they Think of Ethics?
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development (Table)
Ethical Climate (Table)
Ethical Decision Making
The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility
Managerial Implications
Chapter 4: Organizational Culture and Change
Chapter 5: Strategic Management
What is Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Strategic Planning
The Strategic Management Proces
Part III: Organizing
Chapter 6: Designing the Organization
Structure: Who Needs It?
What is Organizational Structure?
Dimensions of Organizational Design
Forms of Organizational Structure
Organization Structure Types
Levels of Management
Sociotechnical System and Job Design
Managerial Implications
Chapter 7: Communication
Oprah Winfrey's Conversational Competence
What is Communication?
Language Barriers to Effective Communication
Improving Organizational Communication
Communication Challenges
Cross-Cultural Communication
Managing Knowledge in Organizations
Managerial Implications
Chapter 8: Designing Human Resource Systems
Will You Be Hired by a Chatbot?
The Functions of HRM
Training and Development
Strategic Human Resource Management
Managerial Implications
Part IV: Leading
Chapter 9: Understanding Individuals and Diversity
What Would You Do?
What is Personality?
Psychological Capital
Emotional Intelligence
Diversity Approaches
Generations at the Workplace
Managing Diverse Followers
Managerial Implications
Chapter 10: Motivation
The Puzzle of Motivation
What is Motivation?
Need Theories
Goal Setting
How to Give Effective Feedback
Expectancy Theory
Reinforcement Theory
Organizational Justice
Managerial Implications
Chapter 11: Managing Teams
Are You Pulling Your (Team) Weight?
What is a Team?
Team Goals
Team Development
Team Effectiveness
Team Challenges
Using Teams to Make Decisions
Team Decision Making
Managerial Implications
Chapter 12: Leadership
Measuring Leadership Effectiveness
What is Leadership?
Leadership Traits
Leader Behaviors
Contingency Theory
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Level 5 Leadership
Power and Influence
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
Managerial Implications
Chapter 13: Managing in a Global Environment
Alexa is Making Some International Friends
What is Culture?
Hofstede's Cultural Values
Project GLOBE
The Impact of Globalization on Management
The Global Mindset
Cultural Intelligence
Managerial Implications
Part V: Controlling
Chapter 14: Quality Management and Technology
What is Control?
Managing Quality
Management Audits
Designing Effective Control Systems
Chapter 15: Budget Control
What is Budgetary Control?
Types of Budgets
The Importance of Budgetary Control to Management
Designing an Effective Budget