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Prof. Rhys Jones has done a marvellous job of clearly and convincingly making the case for statistical literacy. Furthermore, he provides a systematic method for achieving this in the chapters of the book, addressing in an integrative way, many diverse issues previously covered in other statistical books. The emphasis on education, research and communication makes this book a very useful resource for a wide range of audiences, producers and consumers of statistics alike.
This is a great example of authoritative writing that understands how to help people learn. The currency and 'live' nature of the data used as examples is really convincing, and the important reflections on story telling are super. The book also offers a thoroughly non-judgemental view of data, which is to be applauded, encouraging data users to engage with evidence no matter how much it may cause them to question positions they have previously held dear to
Broadly linked to module content so added to additional reading list
Excellent companion textbook