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Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces

Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces

Published in Association with Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

eISSN: 1751584X | ISSN: 17515831 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

Tribology, by its very nature, has always been dominated by how surfaces react to load, relative motion and chemical/physical reactions. With the increased sophistication of surface analytical tools and their increasing application in tribology, a very good understanding of the nature of tribochemical, tribophysical and tribocorrosion reactions is emerging. Tribology — Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces is at the forefront of this growing area and aims to meet the needs of both academia and industry. Contributions involving experimental approaches and/or modelling which advance the current understanding of tribology will be welcome. The scope includes:

Areas of focus:

• Functional coatings and surfaces
• Lubrication technology
• Tribocorrosion
• Tribofilm characterization
• Surface analysis
• Biotribology
• Nanoscale tribology
• Extreme environment tribology

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Tribology, by its very nature, has always been dominated by how surfaces react to load, relative motion and chemical/physical reactions. With the increased sophistication of surface analytical tools and their increasing application in tribology, a very good understanding of the nature of tribochemical, tribophysical and tribocorrosion reactions is emerging. Tribology — Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces is at the forefront of this growing area and aims to meet the needs of both academia and industry. Contributions involving experimental approaches and/or

modelling which advance the current understanding of tribology will be welcome. The scope includes:

Areas of focus:

• Functional coatings and surfaces
• Lubrication technology
• Tribocorrosion
• Tribofilm characterisation
• Surface analysis
• Biotribology
• Nanoscale tribology
• Extreme environment tribology

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor. If found suitable for further consideration, papers are subject to peer review by independent, anonymous expect referees. All peer-review is single blind and submissions can be submitted online via the submission site:

Publishing Ethics

The journal adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics, with rigorous processes in place to ensure this is achieved.

Professor Tomasz Liskiewicz Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Associate Editor
Associate Professor Mohammad Farvizi Materials and Energy Research Center, Iran
Professor Alessandro Ruggiero University of Salerno, Italy
Editorial Board Members
Dr Diana Berman University of North Texas, USA
Dr Shubrajit Bhaumik Amrita School of Engineering, India
Dr Marcus Björling Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Dr Zhenbing Cai Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Dr Pasquale Daniele Cavaliere University of Salento, Italy
Dr Peter Dearnley Boride Services Limited, UK
Dr Dirk Drees Falex Tribology, Belgium
Dr Mark Gee National Physical Laboratory, UK
Dr Emmanouil Georgiou Falex Tribology, Belgium
Dr Philipp Grützmacher Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Prof Ian Hutchings University of Cambridge, UK
Prof Mitjan Kalin University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr Jitendra Kumar Katiyar Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Dr Shahriar Kosarieh GKN Automotive, Germany
Dr Bertram Mallia University of Malta, Malta
Dr Max Marian Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Dr Stefano Mischler EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof Ardian Morina University of Leeds, UK
Professor Martin Priest University of Bradford, UK
Prof Yoshinori Sawae Kyushu University, Japan
Prof Suman Shrestha University of Leeds, UK
Prof Sujeet K Sinha Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Prof Marian Szczerek Lukasiewicz Research Network, Poland
Prof Fabrice Ville INSA Lyon, France
Prof Robert Wood University of Southhampton, UK
Prof Yu Yan University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Prof Zhibing Zhang The University of Birmingham, UK
Prof Yugui Zheng Institute of Metal Research, CAS, China
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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