Controversial Issues in Health Care Policy
- Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld - Arizona State University, USA
Other Titles in:
Emergency Medical Services | Health Care Management | Public Policy & Public Administration
Emergency Medical Services | Health Care Management | Public Policy & Public Administration
February 1993 | 200 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
In the last 35 years, health care in the US has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. Americans view access to health care as important and take pride in their excellent medical care technology. However, there is growing consensus that the US health care system is in crisis - but there is far less agreement on what to do about it. This book examines the major controversies confronting American society, health care professionals and policy makers: access to health care, costs and financing health care and the quality of health care. Kronenfeld discusses whether the system can solve these problems or whether there is a health care system at all.
Disease Patterns, Physical Health and AIDS
Mental Health Concerns and Behavioral Health
Reproductive Health Concerns and Abortion
Aging and Long-Term Care
Providers of Care
Health Professions and Health Facilities
Costs of Health Care
Quality of Health Care Technology
Access to Health Care Services and Suggestions for Health Care Reform