Democracy, Chaos, and the New School Order
Other Titles in:
School Change, Reform, & Restructuring
School Change, Reform, & Restructuring
March 1995 | 224 pages | Corwin
The author of this innovative book develops the thesis that educational reform in its current state is incomplete and ill-suited to democratic nations. Maxcy argues that 'decentralization' philosophies could seriously damage schools and children. He advocates a comprehensive 'new school order' to suit the changing features of postmodern culture. Key themes in this text include: poststructuralist versus structuralist assumptions; and order versus chaos in popular reform movements.
Democracy, Chaos and the New School Order should become a landmark in postmodern approaches to education.
How Did the Schools Get this Way?
Chaos Versus Order and Our Schools
Democracy and Educational Organizations
Three Efforts to Restructure Schools
Cultural Diversity, Democracy and Reconstructed Schools
Model Artistry in the New School