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Postwar British Critical Thought

Postwar British Critical Thought

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Social Theory

December 2004 | 1 712 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The is an unparalleled, comprehensive guide to postwar British thought on culture and society. It provides readers with a unique resource which distils the key debates and crucial contributions and points to how these initiatives have been taken up elsewhere.

The volumes are organized into four main sections: (1) Old Right and New Left; (2) New Theories; (3) New Politics; and (4)

New Times.

The first deals with the 'culturalist' critiques of postwar Britain developed by the Old Right and New Left. It also explores some of the sociological commentary on postwar British affluence and the power hierarchy. The second section traces the impact of new forms of 'continental' theorizing, especially structuralism and post-structuralism, during the 1960s and 70s. The third traces the growing concern with 'new' issues of gender, sexuality, postcolonialism, race and ethnicity. The final section deals with postmodernism and globalization, especially as reflected through the distinctively British thematics of 'exterminism', 'New Times' and the 'Third Way'.

Andrew Milner is Professor in the Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia

George Orwell
James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution
T S Eliot
The Three Senses of `Culture'
F R Leavis
Literature and Society
Richard Hoggart
Invitations to a Candy-Floss World
The Newer Mass Art

Raymond Williams
Conclusion from Culture and Society
Alasdair MacIntyre
Notes from the Moral Wilderness I
Alasdair MacIntyre
Notes from the Moral Wilderness II
E P Thompson
At the Point of Decay
F R Leavis
Luddites? or There Is Only One Culture
Michael Kidron
Highest Stage But One

Ernest Gellner
R D Laing and A Esterson
Introduction from Sanity, Madness and the Family
Basil Bernstein
A Socio-Linguistic Approach to Social Learning
Juliet Mitchell
The Longest Revolution

John H Goldthorpe and David Lockwood
Conclusion from The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour
J H Westergaard
The Rediscovery of the Cash Nexus
Ralph Miliband
Reform and Repression
Christopher Hill
Conclusion from The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas during the English Revolution
Perry Anderson
Components of the National Culture
Michael Mann
The Social Cohesion of Liberal Democracy
Frank Parkin
Strategies of Social Closure in Class Formation
Anthony Giddens
Rethinking the Theory of Class (I)
Terry Eagleton
Categories for a Materialist Criticism
Colin McCabe
Realism and the Cinema
Notes on Some Brechtian Theses

Barry Hindess and Paul Q Hirst
Discourse and Objects of Discourse
Jack Goody
Evolution and Communication
E P Thompson
Sections XV and XVI from The Poverty of Theory or an Orrery of Errors
Raymond Williams
`Introduction' and `Hegemony'
Eric Hobsbawm
The Forward March of Labour Halted?
Nicholas Garnham
Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication
Stuart Hall
Cultural Studies
Two Paradigms

Gareth Stedman-Jones
`Introduction' and `Why Is the Labour Party in a Mess?'
Raphael Samuel
History Workshop 1966-80
Angela McRobbie
Settling Accounts with Subcultures
A Feminist Critique

Roger Scruton
`What Is Left?' and `Raymond Williams'
Anthony Easthope
Post-Structuralism and the English Tradition
Laura Mulvey
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
Rosalind Coward
This Novel Changes Lives
Are Women's Novel Feminist Novels?

Juliet Mitchell
Introduction-I from Feminine Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the Ecole Freudienne
Cora Kaplan
Pandora's Box
Subjectivity, Class and Sexuality in Socialist Feminist Criticism

Janet Wolff
The Invisible Fl[ci]aneuse
Women and the Literature of Modernity

Toril Moi
Feminism, Postmodernism and Style
Recent Feminist Criticism in the United States

Mich[gr]ele Barrett
The Concept of Difference
Griselda Pollock
Painting, Feminism, History
Lynne Segal
Generations of Feminism
Sheila Jeffreys
Antifeminism and Sex Reform before the First World War
Jeffrey Weeks
Beyond Boundaries of Sexuality

Catherine Belsey
Towards Cultural History - in Theory and Practice
Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield
Culture and Textuality
Debating Cultural Materialism

Tom Nairn
The Modern Janus
Paul Gilroy
The Whisper Wakes, the Shudder Plays
`Race', Nation and Ethnic Absolutism

Homi K Bhabha
Of Mimicry and Man
The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse

Homi K Bhabha
Time, Narrative and the Margins of the Modern Nation

Stuart Hall
Culture, Community, Nation
Bryan Turner
Ideology and Utopia in the Formation of an Intelligentsia
Reflections on the English Cultural Conduit

E P Thompson
Notes on Exterminism, the Last Stage of Civilization
Raymond Williams
from Towards 2000
Perry Anderson
from `Modernity and Revolution'
Alex Callinicos
from 'Postmodernism, Post-Structuralism and Post-Marxism'
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
Post-Marxism without Apologies
Stuart Hall
The Meaning of New Times
Zygmunt Bauman
Is There a Postmodern Sociology?
Tony Bennett
Useful Culture
John H Goldthorpe and Gordon Marshall
The Promising Future of Class Analysis
A Response to Recent Critiques

Angela McRobbie
Feminism, Postmodernism and the `Real Me'
Anthony Giddens
Living in a Post-Traditional Society
Richard Hoggart
Ways of Looking
Compass Bearings in a Wide-Open Society?

Alan Sinfield
The Politics and Cultures of Discord
Francis Mulhern
Metaculture and Society
Tom Nairn
Ukania under Blair
Susan Watkins
A Weightless Hegemony
New Labour's Role in the Neo-Liberal Order


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ISBN: 9780761943679