Facilitator's Guide to Courageous Conversations About Race
Edited by:
- Glenn E. Singleton - Pacific Educational Group
- Curtis Linton - School Improvement Network
November 2006 | 72 pages | Corwin
In this exciting new book Singleton & Linton provide a facilitator's guide that includes valuable chapter summaries and discussion questions, journal prompts, staff development activities, further resources, and more. The facilitator's guide will help staff developers create effective professional development for educators reading and using Courageous Conversations About Race.
About the Authors
How to Use the Guide
Additional Resources for Facilitators
Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide: Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools by Glenn E. Singleton and Curtis Linton
Chapter 1. Breaking the Silence: Ushering in Courageous Conversation About Race
Chapter 2. What's So Courageous About This Conversation?
Chapter 3. Why Race?
Chapter 4. Agreeing to Talk About Race
Chapter 5. The First Condition: Getting Personal Right Here and Right Now
Chapter 6. The Second Condition: Keeping the Spotlight on Race
Chapter 7. The Third Condition: Engaging Multiple Racial Perspectives
Chapter 8. The Fourth Condition: Keeping Us All at the Table
Chapter 9. The Fifth Condition: What Do You Mean By "Race"?
Chapter 10. The Sixth Condition: Let's Talk About Whiteness
Chapter 11. How Anti-Racist Leaders Close the Achievement Gap
Chapter 12. Exploring a Systemic Framework for Closing the Racial Achievement Gap
Chapter 13. Using Courageous Conversation to Achieve Equity in Schools
Resources for Extending Your Learning
Professional Development Training Videos
Professional Development Books
Handout 1. Got Passion?
Handout 2. Racial Consciousness Flow Chart Worksheet
Handout 3. Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation
Handout 4. Implementation Exercise Part 1 Worksheet
Handout 5. De-Centering Whiteness
Handout 6. Systemic Equity Anti-Racism Transformation Worksheet
Overhead 1. The Courageous Conversation Compass
Overhead 2. Racial Consciousness Flow Chart
Overhead 3. Naughty-Nice?
Overhead 4. Pacific Educational Group?s Systemic Equity Anti-Racism Transformation Framework
Sample Seminar Agendas
Half-Day Seminar Agenda
One-Day Seminar Agenda
Two- to Three-Day Seminar Agenda
Seminar Evaluation Form