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"Anybody interested in child development will find this book both informative and interesting. It contains a good range of theory and research (historic and modern) and is also 'grounded' in practice. A very useful addition to Initial Teacher Training reading lists." Lecturer, University of Cumbria
This book is packed with useful and important ideas and information, presented in an accessible way. It deals with aspects of primary practice which are increasingly seen as central to children's learning.
This is a good basic introduction to using talk and philosophy in the classroom. It covers a range of theories and using practical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of dialogic teaching
As a renewed emphasis on talk for learning is anticipated in forthcoming National Curriculum, this book provides a good theoretical grounding, as well as practical strategies, for developing meaningful talk in the classroom.
An excellent book for practitioners to investigate the benifits of thinking skills and philosophy in the curriculum and make positive links to practice.