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"This book was clear, thought provoking and an excellent resource for students at all levels of the degree programme. Thank you." (Lecturer, University of Derby.)
A good addition to supporting the student in developing their understanding of praxis.
I teach a level 5 module on Community Involvement and will be recommending students focus on Chapters 5 and 6, group work and reflection and enquiry whilst encouraging them to read the book to support their wider learning on a Social and Community Development degree programme. I particularly like the way that each chapter links to National Occupational Standards (NOS) and QAA benchmarking statements. It would be good to see a version of the book that also uses the Community Development NOS.
A book that will definitely be an undergraduates starting point when exploring their understanding of theory and how this links with practice. It will also be a 'refresher' useful resource for postgraduates for quick reference. As well as the beginnings of some academic offerings it also offers a vast array of activities and tasks that can be utilised in further exploring key themes. The differing types of theories being explained offers a broad understanding, social theorists, and their application are a key read.
This book provides students with further theoretical perspectives, particularly on informal education.
A practical and useful book to support students to understand theoretical concepts and apply in practice. This is an essential and relevant book for youth and community practitioners.
This book provides a very practical guide for students wishing to develop an understanding of their own theoretical stance in practice. It's a great starter for an overview of relevant theory in community development.
Very thorough book which gives plenty of information and theories. Easily read and understandable.
This provides a valuable overview of the theory underpinning youth work. I will recommend it on my reading list. I will also use it in my work with youth work practitioners to encourage them to think about theory.