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Criminal Justice and Behavior

Criminal Justice and Behavior

An International Journal

eISSN: 15523594 | ISSN: 00938548 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 10 Frequency: Monthly
Criminal Justice and Behavior is the official publication of the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (IACFP). All individual subscriptions are handled through the IACFP. For more information or to join the IACFP, visit

Criminal Justice and Behavior promotes scholarly evaluations of assessment, classification, prevention, intervention, and treatment programs to help the correctional professional develop successful programs based on sound and informative theoretical and research foundations. Publishing timely, well-conceived, and lively scholarship, Criminal Justice and Behavior advances the knowledge and expertise of professionals and academics involved in forensic psychology, with a concentration on correctional psychology.

Comprehensive Coverage

Criminal Justice and Behavior brings you original research, theoretical contributions, and information on innovative programs and practices, as well as critical reviews of literature or theory on topics central to criminal justice and behavior, including:
  • Classification and treatments of offenders
  • Causes of delinquent and criminal behaviour
  • Prevention, intervention, and treatment programs
  • Education and training
  • Effectiveness of different sanctions
  • Offender and offensive characteristics
  • Psychology of policing
  • Psychology and law issues

In the pages of the journal you’ll find:

To keep you at the very forefront of correctional and forensic psychology that the journal fosters. Criminal Justice and Behavior publishes high-quality scholarship concerning the interface between the behavioral sciences and the criminal justice system. Empirical research is emphasized, and theoretical and integrative review articles are also featured. 

Commentaries: To present you with a wide variety of opinions and experiences, journal commentaries are often solicited on articles that are particularly thought provoking in their implications or that can be further illuminated by an additional perspective.

Book Reviews:
The journal includes stimulating reviews on recently published books to help you stay current on the best and most important resources in the field.

Criminal Justice and Behavior publishes articles examining psychological and behavioral aspects of the juvenile and criminal justice systems. The concepts "criminal justice" and "behavior" should be interpreted broadly to include analyses of etiology of delinquent or criminal behavior, the process of law violation, victimology, offender classification and treatment, deterrence, and incapacitation.

Kristy Holtfreter Arizona State University, USA
Associate Editor
Ashley Batastini University of Memphis, USA
Jennifer Eno Louden University of Texas El Paso, USA
Chantal Fahmy The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Kristy Holtfreter Arizona State University, USA
Andrea Montes Arizona State University, USA
Joseph Schafer Arizona State University, USA
Book Review Editor
Natalie Anumba University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Managing Editor
Raven Simonds New York City Criminal Justice Agency, USA
Statistical Consultant
Daryl Kroner Southern Illinois University, USA
Founding Editor
Stanley L. Brodsky The University of Alabama, USA
Editorial Board
Michael G. Aamodt Radford University, USA
Eva Aizpurua City, University of London, UK
Apryl Alexander University of Denver, USA
Nicole Renee Bartholomew Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Medical Center Carswell, USA
Kevin M. Beaver Florida State University, USA
Julie Blais Dalhouse University, Canada
Stanley L. Brodsky The University of Alabama, USA
Katharine L. Brown University of Mississippi
Amy Burrell Coventry University, UK
Kelli Canada University of Missouri, USA
Dena Carson Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Joshua C. Cochran University of Cincinnati, USA
David DeMatteo Drexel University, USA
Adam Fine Arizona State University, USA
William Fisher University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Walter Forrest University of Limerick, Ireland
Bryanna Fox University of South Florida, USA
Theresa Gannon University of Kent, UK
Brett Gardner University of Virginia, Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy, USA
Jane Gaub University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Krista Gehring University of Houston Downtown, USA
Katelyn A. Golladay University of Wyoming, USA
J. Thomas Grisso University of Massachusetts, USA
R. Karl Hanson Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Kirk Heilbrun Drexel University, USA
Jacqueline B. Helfgott Seattle University, USA
Howard Henderson Texas Southern University
Jaime Henderson Innocence Project, USA
Zoe Hilton University of Toronto and Waypoint Research Institute, Canada
Robert Homant University of Detroit, USA
Lori Hughes University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Kayleen Islam-Zwart Eastern Washington University, USA
Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich Michigan State University, USA
Deborah Jones Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections
Natalie Jones Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Erin M. Kearns University of Alabama, USA
Sarah M. Manchak University of Cincinnati, USA
Jon T. Mandracchia Avila University, USA
Douglas Marlowe National Association of Drug Court Professionals, USA
Troy McEwan Swinburne University of Technology & Forensicare, Australia
Nicole C. McKenna John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA
Gorazd Meško University of Maribor, Slovenia
Holly A. Miller Sam Houston State University, USA
Damon Mitchell Central Connecticut State University, USA
Stephanie Morse Saint Anselm College, USA
Eric S. Murphy University of Alaska, USA
David Nussbaum The Allen K. Hess Institute for Integrative and Forensic Behavioural Science, Canada
Mark Olver University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Alex Piquero University of Miami, USA
Devon L. L. Polaschek The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Natasha Pusch Texas Tech University, USA
R. Barry Ruback Penn State University, USA
Danielle Rudes Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA
Emily Salisbury The University of Utah, USA
Jeffrey C. Sandler New York State Office of Mental Health, USA
Joseph Schafer Arizona State University, USA
Craig Schwalbe Columbia University, USA
David J. Simourd Canada
Keira C. Stockdale University of Sasketchewan, Canada
Raymond Tafrate Central Connecticut State University, USA
Jose Torres Louisiana State University, USA
Jillian Turanovic University of Colorado, USA
Nichola Tyler Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Jamie C. Vaske Western Carolina University, USA
D’Andre Walker The University of Mississippi, USA
Glenn D. Walters Kutztown University, USA
Kayla Wanamaker Carleton University, Canada
Xia Wang Arizona State University, USA
Emily M. Wright The Urban Institute, USA
Kevin Wright Arizona State University, USA
Yan Zhang Sam Houston State University
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  • Criminal Justice and Behavior seeks contributions examining psychological and behavioral aspects of the juvenile and criminal justice systems. The concepts "criminal justice’’ and "behavior’’ should be interpreted broadly to include analyses of the etiology of delinquent or criminal behavior, the process of law violation, of victimology, offender classification and treatment, deterrence, and incapacitation. The journal will include analyses of both clientele and employees in the justice systems, and it will include analyses of the effects of differing sanctions or programs. The journal emphasizes reports of original empirical research, theoretical contributions, development and testing of innovative programs and practices, and critical reviews of literature or theory on central topics of criminal justice and behavior. Articles dealing with behavioral aspects of juvenile or criminal justice are welcomed from throughout the world.

    Submissions must be sent electronically to Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font. All margins should be set to 1" and text should be double spaced (including references). Tables, charts, and references should be placed on separate pages. The recommended length for manuscripts submitted to CJB is up to 35 pages. Authors should provide justification for manuscript length that exceeds 35 pages. Note that pages here include the abstract, body of the manuscript, references, appendices, and all tables and figures. Supplemental material to be published online may be included in submissions. This material should be labeled as such. 

    The format described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (most current edition) must be followed. Manuscript header formatting should follow the latest edition. Questions concerning manuscript submission can be directed to

    Book reviews must be sent electronically to Inquiries regarding book reviews should be sent to Dr. Natalie Anumba at University of Massachusetts Medical School, email:

    As with typical manuscript submissions, book reviews should be typed and double spaced, with references on separate pages. In addition to summarizing the main thesis and/or arguments presented in the book, book reviews should also offer a balanced and objective critique that addresses (among other aspects deemed appropriate) the novelty or timeliness of the book, the book author’s credentials to speak as an authority on the topic, the thoroughness with which the topic area is covered, the strength of the arguments presented, the structure and organization of the book’s contents, and its implications for criminal justice practice or research. Book reviews that only provide a general summary of the book with no further analysis of the book’s quality will not be considered for publication. Please be advised that CJB prioritizes reviews for books that have an academic or research-based focused as opposed to biographical works, fiction, or theoretical texts that have a limited empirical basis. Therefore, unsolicited book reviewers are advised to select books that align with the aims and scope of CJB.

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