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This is not just a “fairly” interesting read. By unearthing the underlying (and often hidden) assumptions of International Business and also providing a grounding in the realities of “practical wisdom”, the authors provide a fascinating way to introduce a complex and important topic.
This book contains a solid critique of key approaches in the field and a rich pool of alternative ideas for scholars who are interested in critical perspectives on international business. It provides a good read for the scholars, who are tired of the contents of leading international business textbooks that hardly capture the real life challenges which international managers and especially employees are dealing with in our 'brave new world' of globalized capitalism.
The shipping containers that endlessly circulate the globe are propelled by theories, as well as desire and fuel oil. In this excellent little book, Cairns and Sliwa show us why these theories matter, and why everyone needs to understand international business. The future of our planet depends upon it.
This book is delightfully written and a pleasure to read. But more than that, it inspires reflection, invites reaction, ignites the imagination and summons the reader to take responsibility for our global world. After all, any book about international business is also a book about us.
International business, global trade and multinational companies are challenged more than ever. While proponents celebrate their contribution to the world’s economic prosperity, social progress and environmental integrity, critics point to malpractices, such as sweatshops, workers’ exploitation, modern slavery, unequal distribution of value, elites’ power, environmental degradation and social inequalities, all of which have been attributed to the rise of international business.