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Preparing for university

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If you've just started university, you might be feeling anxious and excited in equal measures. It’s completely natural to be feeling this way, and it's a cliche, but everyone else really is in the same boat. However, there's plenty you can do to manage your nerves and make your voyage at university smooth, storm-free and watertight – and you're in the right place. 


Set yourself up for an amazing time at university

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A super quick guide to university

The first few weeks of the academic year can be chaotic! This chapter from Your Super Quick Guide to University features key information and advice to help you better look after yourself and your money as you start university - stress-free!



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Living and studying in the UK

Are you an international student worried about your new life in the UK? Mike Courtney & Xiangping Du provide information on the areas that might have you concerned, from communication issues, to food and even climate!

learn about life in the uk


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University assessments 101

It's much easier to succeed at university when you know exactly what you have to do to pass. This chapter from Essential Study Skills covers all the must-knows, from assignment types and why they matter to a 10-step guide to better grades.

get assignment tips


Download our free study skills eBooks

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To build essential study skills

We don't just automatically 'know' how to study or 'know' how to present, we need to learn to develop effective writing skills, or assessment techniques. The Essential Study Hacks eBook is your free go-to guide for strategies and tips on time management, presentations, proofreading, exam preparations and more.



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For online learning tips

Whether you're you doing an online degree, or your course has gone hybrid after the pandemic, we got your back! Janet Salmons's Top Ten Tips for Learning Online booklet, is a quick (and free!) read to help you make the most of your online learning experience.

download the online learning booklet


Uncover the secrets to doing well and feeling well at university

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Watch the webinar below to find out how to make the most of your university experience. Hear from authors Helen Coleman and Kaye Rabel, for healthwellbeing and academic success strategies.


Relax while building knowledge

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It's all too easy to think we're not cut out for studying, especially with all the distractions going on around us. So, take a break from quizzes to find out which TV show character you are and find out more about how you study.


Are you a critical thinker?

Finally, all work and no play won't make you study better. Play these freshers games and give your brain a rest.




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