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Principles and Practice of Marketing

Principles and Practice of Marketing

Third Edition
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Marketing (General)

December 2013 | 800 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
When you think of marketing you may think of the adverts that pop up at the side of your screen or the billboards you see when you're out - all those moments in the day when somebody is trying to grab your attention and sell you something! Marketing is about advertising and communications in part, but it's also about many other things which all aim to create value for customers, from product research and innovation to after-care service and maintaining relationships. It's a rich and fascinating area of management waiting to be explored - so welcome to Marketing

Jim Blythe's Principles and Practice of Marketing will ease you into the complexities of Marketing to help you achieve success in your studies and get the best grade. It provides plenty of engaging real-life examples, including brands you know such as Netflix and PayPal - marketing is not just about products, but services too. Marketing changes as the world changes, and this textbook is here to help, keeping you up to speed on key topics such as digital technologies, globalization and being green. 

PART 1 - Concepts and Contexts
Chapter 1 - Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process
Chapter 2 - The Marketing Environment
PART 2 - Markets and People
Chapter 3 - Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 4 - Business-to-Business Marketing
Chapter 5 - Marketing Research and Information Systems
Chapter 6 - Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Chapter 7 - Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 8 - International Marketing
PART 3 - Strategy and Stakeholders
Chapter 9 - Marketing Strategy, Planning and Creating Competitive Advantage
Chapter 10 - Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 11 - Building Customer Relationships
Chapter 12 - Product Portfolio and Strategic Branding
PART 4 - Marketing in Practice
Chapter 13 - New Product Innovation and Development
Chapter 14 - Pricing and Strategic Decision Making
Chapter 15 - Advertising across Different Media
Chapter 16 - Public Relations and Sponsorship
Chapter 17 - Promotion and Sales
PART 5 - Marketing in Motion
Chapter 18 - Digital Marketing and Social Media
hapter 19 - Managing Distribution and Supply Chains
hapter 20 - Retail and Wholesale Marketing
Chapter 21 - Services Marketing


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Lecturer resources:

  • Teaching notes per chapter, including answers to internet exercises for students
  • PowerPoint slides per chapter
  • Exam test bank
  • Guide to designing a course on marketing

Student resources:

  • Videos about marketing
  • Podcasts about marketing careers
  • Marketing employability resources and advice
  • Extra case studies
  • Guide to writing a Marketing Plan
  • Online exercises per chapter
  • Interactive multiple choice questions per chapter
  • Interactive flashcards
  • Pinterest page featuring useful weblinks to ads, campaigns, etc.
  • RSS feed incorporating trade magazines, news websites, blogs, etc.

This book is recommend to level 1 and level 2 students. It has some excellent context and examples (thinking outside this box). It is also a fabulous resource for planning sessions

Mrs Thaleia Ashley
Higher Education, North Lindsey College
April 4, 2014

veri interesting book with great case studies. Language was alittle basic for the learners but great to help with understanding of key themes

Mrs Laura Castles
Management, Torfaen Training
February 24, 2014

An excellent book for my MA course in communication strategies. I have been looking for a thorough up-to-date reference book with case-studies and am v. happy to have found this book. Will definitely adopt.

Mrs Line Thomsen
Inst for Information & Media Studies, Aarhus University
January 15, 2014

Another excellent text from Mr Blythe! Approachable and easy to address for students, with lots of "today in marketing" type examples. I have found this text ideal for delivering marketing to new recruits to the marketing function, and those studying marketing as a module in Business and Management degrees. I have also used it to deliver an Operational Marketing final undergraduate module for BA(Hon's) Management and here students were very grateful for it being on the Essential Reading list. As a Principal Examiner and Moderator for the ISMM I have again used this text for the marketing units of sales, sales management and account management qualifications, with student's finding this text supportive and essential reading for their studies. As Chief Examiner for the IDB and IADB Marketing and Behaviour modulesm I have also added this text to world-wide students reading lists.

Mr Graham Webb
Higher Education, NCC Education
November 27, 2013

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 2: The Marketing Environment

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ISBN: 9781446274002

ISBN: 9781446273999