reference-icon Created with Sketch. Student ReferenceStudy Guide to Accompany Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral SciencesRenee R. Ha, James C. Ha, Ashley C. MalikenPublished: September 2011From £34.99 Inspection copy available
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Student ReferenceThe SAGE Dictionary of Statistics & MethodologyA Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences,Fifth EditionW. Paul Vogt, R. Burke JohnsonPublished: December 2015From £81.00 Inspection copy available
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Student ReferenceCompleting Your Evaluation Dissertation, Thesis, or Culminating ProjectTamara M. Walser, Michael S. TrevisanPublished: November 2020From £58.00 Inspection copy available
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Student ReferenceStudy Guide for Health & Nursing to Accompany Salkind & Frey's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate StatisticsSeventh Edition (Updated Edition)Neil J. Salkind, Bruce B. Frey, Michele M. WoodPublished: May 2021From £34.99 Inspection copy available