Raising Test Scores for All Students
An Administrator's Guide to Improving Standardized Test Performance
May 2003 | 152 pages | Corwin
Raising Test Scores for All Students marries knowledge about testing and test preparation with school improvement, providing a comprehensive guide for administrators looking for a systemic approach to the challenge of standardized testing. Eugene Kennedy includes a concise overview of the history and research on testing, case studies, flow charts and forms, as well as a four-step approach to improving performance: Step 1: adopting a systemic approach to improvement and change; Step 2: aligning the educational process with desired outcome; Step 3: aligning the education process with inputs;
Step 4: creating positive change; plus strategies and techniques for motivating all your students.
About the Author
1. A Review of the Nature of Standardized Tests
A Brief History of Standardized Testing in America
Basic Characteristics of a Standardized Test
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
2. Standardized Test Preparation for Schools: A Model
The Bandwagon of School Change
Lessons Learned and the Essential Elements of School Change
A Model for Changing Student Outcomes on Standardized Tests
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
3. Adopting a Systemic Approach to Improvement and Change
What Is Systemic Change?
Creating an Environment for Positive Systemic Change
Steps Toward Realizing Systemic Change for Test Preparation
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
4. Aligning with the Educational Process With Desired Outcomes
Defining the Outcome
Determining Information Needs of Stakeholders
Collecting and Analyzing Data on School Test Preparation Practices
Analyzing and Summarizing School Test Data
Identifying and Prioritizing Problem Areas
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
5. Aligning the Educational Process With Inputs
Techniques of Data Collection
Factors Which Impede Standardized Test Performance
Teacher and Staff Characteristics Which Impede Students' Standardized Test Performance
Social and Environmental Factors Which Impede Students' Standardized Test Performance
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
6. Creating Positive Change
Identify the Causes of the Problems
Identify Solutions to the Problems
Develop a School Improvement Plan
Sources of Information and Additional Readings
Leslie Jones-Hamilton, Ph.D.
7. A Case Study of an Elementary School
The Setting
Washington Elementary School
Language Arts Percentile Ranks: Trends
8. Conclusion