Reshaping the Principalship
Insights From Transformational Reform Efforts
- Joseph Murphy - Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- Karen Seashore Louis - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
April 1995 | 312 pages | Corwin
This volume examines how the work of principals is being reshaped by transformational reform measures, as well as how the principals themselves are shaping initiatives. The authors explore the challenges and possiblities for principals in restructuring schools, and analyze nine case studies which highlight the changing role of the principal.
Joseph Murphy and Lynn G Beck
Reconstructing the Principalship
Challenges and Possibilities
Joseph Murphy
Transformational Change and the Evolving Role of the Principal
Early Empirical Evidence
R Bruce McPherson and Robert L Crowson
The Principal as Mini-Superintendent Under Chicago School Reform
Kenneth Leithwood, Doris Jantzi and Alicia Fernandez
Transformational Leadership and Teachers' Commitment to Change
Sheila Rosenblum, Karen Seashore Louis and Richard A Rossmiller
School Leadership and Teacher Quality of Work Life in Restructuring Schools
Nona A Prestine
Ninety Degrees from Everywhere
New Understandings of the Principal's Role in a Restructuring Essential School
Philip Hallinger and Charles Hausman
From Attila the Hun to Mary Had a Little Lamb
Principal Role Ambiguity in Restructured Schools
Lynn G Beck
Cultivating a Caring School Community
One Principal's Story
Carl D Glickman, Lewis R Allen and Barbara F Lunsford
Voices of Principals from Democratically Transformed Schools
Kent D Peterson and Valli D Warren
Changes in School Governance and Principals' Roles
Changing Jurisdictions, New Power Dynamics, and Conflict in Restructured Schools
David T Conley and Paul Goldman
Ten Propositions for Facilitative Leadership
Karen Seashore Louis and Joseph Murphy
The Evolving Role of the Principal
Some Concluding Thoughts