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Rethinking Development

Rethinking Development
Modernization, Dependency, and Post-Modern Politics

Other Titles in:
Area Studies (General)

November 1987 | 328 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Development theory is at a crossroads. Dominant theories such as modernization and dependency have run their course. In Rethinking Development one of the preeminent political and social theorists of our time offers his view of the direction of the discipline. Using major themes such as the relation between development and democracy, the problem of innovation and marginality, Professor Apter offers an innovative comparative study of development.

Rethinking Development takes a new look at scientific, romantic and teleological formulations of development, showing how conventional concepts of development prevent us from seeing its negative consequences. It argues that development will generate democracy, but not easily. Instead of presenting a single dogmatic theory of development, Professor Apter gives scholars and students of political and social change an articulate and original view of development.

Toward a Theory of Modernization
Some Characteristics of Modernization
Notes For a Theory of Non-Democratic Representation
Equity and Allocation in Modernizing Societies
Equity and Allocation in Industrial Societies
A Case of Violent Protest in a Multiparty State

Thinking About Violence
Notes on the Underground
Left Violence and the National State

The New Mytho/Logics and the Specter of Superfluous Man

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ISBN: 9780803929722