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Scientific Writing for Psychology

Scientific Writing for Psychology
Lessons in Clarity and Style

Second Edition

December 2018 | 152 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

In the Second Edition of Scientific Writing for Psychology, veteran teacher, editor and author, Robert V. Kail provides straightforward strategies along with hands-on exercises for effective scientific writing in a series of seven lessons. Kail shares an abundance of writing wisdom with “tools of the trade”—heuristics, tips, and strategies—used by expert authors to produce writing that is clear, concise, cohesive, and compelling. The exercises included throughout each extensively class-tested lesson allow students to practice and ultimately master their scientific writing skills.

1. Lesson 1: Writing Clearly
2. Lesson 2: Adding Emphasis
3. Lesson 3: Writing Concisely, With Some Spice
4. Lesson 4: The Art of Fine Paragraphs
5. Lesson 5: Framing an Introduction
6. Lesson 6: Reporting Results
7. Lesson 7: Discussing Your Findings
Epilogue: Writing a Title, Abstract, and Method Section

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