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The Journal of Environment & Development

The Journal of Environment & Development

A Review of International Policy

eISSN: 15525465 | ISSN: 10704965 | Current volume: 33 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Environment & Development (JED) offers policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, scientists, academics, and the business community the only international forum that combines cutting edge academic research with practical analysis of working policies. The broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of The Journal of Environment & Development are demonstrated by the wide variety of interests and disciplines of its readers and contributors, which include political science, international relations, economics, development studies, sociology, environmental studies and law.

The Journal of Environment & Development seeks to further research and debate on the nexus of environment and development issues at the local, national, regional, and international levels. The journal provides a forum that bridges the parallel debates among policy makers, attorneys, academics, business people, and NGO activists from all regions of the world.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

JED is a fully peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary publication of original contributions on international environment and development issues.

JED invites original articles and policy analyses in such areas as:

  • Sustainable development and the implementation of Agenda 21
  • National environmental policy
  • Environmental governance and institutions
  • Role of non-governmental organizations, private sector and government institutions
  • International environmental governance
  • Greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and national energy policies
  • Biodiversity conservation and natural resource management
  • Marine environments and resources
  • Fresh water resources
  • Waste and pollution abatement
  • Trade and the environment

As of March 2010 the Journal of Environment & Development is published in electronic form only.

Gavin Hilson University of Surrey, UK
Associate Editors
Jeff Feng University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Rachel Green University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Eugene Riordan University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Kristina Rohrer University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Rahul Sharma University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Maya Zaynetdinova University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Editorial Board
Liliana Andonova Graduate Institute (IHEID), Geneva, Switzerland
Thomas Bernauer Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland
Navroz K. Dubash Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Kevin P. Gallagher Professor of Global Development Policy
José Goldemberg Universidade de São Paulo, Institute of Electrical Engineering & Energy, Brazil
Heejin Han National University of Singapore, Department of Political Science, Singapore
Ian Johnson Former Vice President for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., USA
Razack Bakari Lokina University of Dar Es Salaam, Department of Economics, Tanzania
Akihisa Mori Kyoto University Director and Secretary, General East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Kyoto, Japan
Peter Newell University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies, Norwich, UK
Wilfred Nyangena Environment for Development in Kenya, Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) Nairobi, Kenya
Maria Onestini Centro de Estudios Ambientales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maggie Opondo University of Nairobi, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Kenya
Ye Qi Institute of Public Policy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Ramesh Ramankutty Global Environment Facility, Washington D.C., USA
Robert Repetto Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, USA
Miranda Schreurs Environment and Climate Policy, Bavarian School of Public Policy, Munich, Germany
Detlef F. Sprinz Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Thomas Sterner Göteborg University, Sweden
Christopher Stone University of Southern California, Law Center, USA
Charlotte Streck Director Climate Focus, Washington D.C., USA
In Memoriam of JED founding Editorial Board members
Gordon MacDonald IR/PS UCSD, USA
David Pearce Director, Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment University College, London, UK
Konrad Von Moltke International Environmental Affairs, Dartmouth College, USA
Former Managing Editors (most recent back to Jan. 2004)
Former Associate Editors (most recent back to Jan. 2004)
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  • Environmental Policy Index
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  • Gale: Diversity Studies Collection
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  • e-JEL
  • The Journal of Environment & Development (JED) offers policymakers, academics, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and the business community the only international forum that combines cutting-edge academic research with pragmatic policy analysis on a wide range of issues at the nexus of environment and development. Authors submitting manuscripts to JED should keep the journal’s broad interdisciplinary audience in mind. Texts should be written in an accessible style.

    1. Submission policy:

    JED will consider original manuscripts not previously published or currently under consideration elsewhere. Contributions to conferences and workshops are welcome, as long as they are not published in the same form in conference proceedings or on the Internet. JED publishes articles under the following categories: research articles, policy analyses, regional and conference reports, and book reviews. Manuscripts have to meet minimum JED standards in terms of topical fit, analytical rigor, and clarity of writing before being forwarded to external peer review. Authors will be notified of accept, reject, or revise decisions after both the internal and the external peer review processes. The internal review will take between 6 and 12 weeks and a subsequent external peer review will take 8 to 12 additional weeks. You may contact the managing editor at for information on the status of the submission.

    2. Sending submissions:

    Manuscripts must be submitted on-line at You will be ask to create an author account. When submitting your manuscript, follow the online instructions. Make sure you receive a confirmation email after following the online instructions.

    We do no longer accept hardcopies for review.

    3. Manuscript:

    Manuscripts must be in English. Research articles should be between 8000 and 9000 words long. Tables, figures, and other illustrations should be used sparingly. We reserve the right to request manuscripts to be shortened below the suggested word limits or to allow manuscripts to go over.

    4. Title page:

    Attention should be paid to finding a title that is succinct and captures the essence of the article in no more (and preferably less) than 10 words. Include the names of all authors on the title page. List the institutional affiliation directly under each author’s name. Do not place the authors’ names on any other portion of the manuscript, except in the biographical sketch, which should also be on a separate page. The title page should include any acknowledgments or related material. Mark this information with an asterisk (*). The title page and biographical sketch will be removed before the manuscript is forwarded for refereeing.

    5. Abstract page:

    Include an abstract of 150 words. Place the abstract page after the title page and include an abstract with each copy of the manuscript submitted to JED. Repeat the title of the manuscript on this page. The abstract should specify the problem under investigation, the method used in the research (if appropriate), and the major findings. The abstract should be double-spaced and should not be indented.

    6. Biographical sketch page:

    On a separate biographical sketch page, include short biographical sketches for each author. This page will be removed before the review process begins. Biographical sketches should be double-spaced and should not exceed 50 words.

    7. First page of manuscript: Number the first page of text as Page 1. Repeat the title of the manuscript on this page.

    8. Endnotes: JED will be moving from footnotes to endnotes with the 2006 volume. Endnotes are used not for citation but for substantive comments. Identify them in the text by consecutive numbers. Please group endnotes at the end of the text, beginning on a page identified by the title "NOTES." Double-space the endnotes.

    9. Table and figures:

    Do not place tables or figures in the text but attach them in consecutive order at the end of the manuscript. In the text, mark the placement of tables and figures with an appropriate notice, such as


    For line art, images must be at least 1200 dots per inch (dpi); for grayscale, images must be at least 300 dpi. Figures must be submitted in electronic format. Use tables and figures mainly to summarize material that cannot be conveyed easily in the text; we discourage excessive use of tables. Most empirical articles contain an average of four tables. If you are not sure how to prepare tabular material, consult past issues of JED for guidance.

    10. Headings and subheadings in text:

    Use the following formats for headings (Note: Fourth-level headings are preferred over third-level headings): First-level head: in title case, italicized, and centered (initial letter of each major word capitalized). Second-level head: capitalized and flush with the left margin. Third-level head: in title case, italicized, and flush with the left margin. Fourth-level head: italicized and indented.

    11. Citations to references in text:

    When citing references in the text, follow these guidelines:

    In a direct citation, place only the date in parentheses. Example: Brown (1989).

    In an indirect citation, place both the name and the date in parentheses with a comma after the author’s surname. Example: (Brown, 1989).

    If a cited work has two authors, cite both authors’ surnames in the text. Example: (Brown & Smith, 1991). In citing two authors, use the full form of citation at all times.

    For three, four, or five authors, use the full form only for the first appearance in the text. Example: Merrill, Mundi, and Pierce (1996). Thereafter use only the first author’s surname, followed by "et al." Example: Merrill et al. (1996).

    For six or more authors, use the first author’s surname followed by "et al." and the date, even for the first appearance in the text. However, in the reference list, list the initials and surnames of each author. Use page references to refer readers to a specific point in a cited work. Use the following format for page references: (Brown, 1989, p. 213).

    If you cite material that spans more than one page, hyphenate page numbers as follows: 1-10; 68-69; 101-102; 115-119; 1000-1001; 1000-1023; 1000-1256.

    In citing more than one work by an author, follow this format: Adams (1993, 1995) for a direct citation; (Brown, 1993, 1996, in press) for an indirect citation. If the works were published by the same author(s) in the same year, label each item with a letter. Example: (Smith, 1985a, 1985b).

    Within parentheses, use a semicolon to separate the citations to different authors. Arrange surnames in alphabetical order (i.e., the order in which the references are listed in the reference section). Example: (Brown, 1984, 1988; Jones et al., 1993a, 1993b; Smith & Brown, 1996). Cite court cases as follows: Miranda v. Arizona (1966).

    12. Reference section:

    JED uses the American Psychological Association (APA) reference style, based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Begin the reference section on a new page titled "REFERENCES" immediately following the end of the text. Arrange the references in alphabetical order, double-spaced.

    Type the first line of each reference item flush to the left-hand margin; indent subsequent line(s) of the item. Supply complete information on each reference. Follow these general guidelines:

    List surname, first initial, and middle initial (if any) of author(s).

    Capitalize the first letter of the first word and all proper nouns in titles of articles. Article title should be in roman text (not italicized).

    List the date that the article was published in parentheses, followed by a period.

    Italicize the name of the journal in which an article appears. Provide the volume number and page numbers of the journal.

    Italicize book titles and capitalize the first letter of the first word and all proper nouns in the title.

    In book references, include the location and name of the publisher. Name the city in which the publisher is located. Name the state only when the location of the city is not commonly known or when more than one state has a city of that name (e.g., Springfield). Use standard two-letter abbreviations for names of states (e.g., IL, TN, NJ). If a book is a second or later edition, include this information.

    13. Guidelines for manuscript preparation:

    Print out all material double-spaced: text, title page, acknowledgments, abstract, text, endnotes, reference list, and titles on tables and figures.

    Leave margins at least 1 inch wide all around on each page. Print no more than 27 lines per page.

    This is a working copy of your manuscript, so use a clear, easy-to-read typeface that is not closely packed. If the typeface is too small or too tight for editing, the editors will ask you to send another, more workable printout.

    Avoid the use of abbreviations in the text. You may use common abbreviations such as i.e. or e.g., only in parentheses.

    Make sure all pages are included and numbered properly.

    Authors who would like to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider using the services of a professional English-language editing company. We highlight some of these companies at

    Please be aware that Sage has no affiliation with these companies and makes no endorsement of them. An author's use of these services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and the particular company, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

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