Transportation Research Record
Journal of the Transportation Research BoardTransportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board is one of the most cited and prolific transportation journals in the world, offering unparalleled depth and breadth in the coverage of transportation-related topics. The TRR publishes 12 issues annually of outstanding, peer-reviewed papers presenting research findings in policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more, for all modes of transportation. This site provides electronic access to a full compilation of papers since the 1996 series.
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major program divisions of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to mobilize expertise, experience, and knowledge to anticipate and solve complex transportation-related challenges. The Board’s varied activities annually engage about 8,500 engineers, scientists, and other transportation researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by state transportation departments, federal agencies including the component administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation.
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For more than 50 years, the Transportation Research Record has been internationally recognized as one of the preeminent peer-reviewed journals for transportation research papers from authors in the United States and from around the world. One of the most cited transportation journals, the TRR offers unparalleled depth and breadth in the coverage of transportation topics from both academic and practitioner perspectives. All modes of passenger and freight transportation are addressed in papers covering a wide array of disciplines, including policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more. The ideal TRR contribution clearly advances knowledge in its area of expertise, explicitly draws out the practical implications of the paper’s results, whether for immediate or longer-term application, and is well written with an engaging style.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board is owned by the National Academy of Sciences and is published by SAGE Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.
Jennifer Dill | Portland State University, USA |
Soyoung Ahn | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Gerald A. Huber | Heritage Research Group |
Anand J. Puppala | Texas A&M University College Station, USA |
Sushant Sharma | Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA |
Haitham Al-Deek | University of Central Florida, USA |
David Ballard | GRA Inc., USA |
Robert Bertini | University of South Florida, USA |
Chandra Bhat | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Salvatore Antonio Biancardo | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Stacey Bricka | NHTS, USA |
Ralph Buehler | Virginia Tech, USA |
Tara Cavalline | UNC Charlotte, USA |
Joseph Chow | NYU, USA |
Erdem Coleri | Oregon State University, USA |
Allison Conway | City University of New York, USA |
Ashim Debnath | Deakin University, Australia |
Eric Donnell | Penn State University, USA |
Mostafa Elseifi | Louisiana State University, USA |
Grigorios Fountas | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Seyed Hooman Ghasemi | University of Alabama, USA |
Dimitrios Goulias | Univerisity of Maryland, USA |
Susan Handy | University of California at Davis, USA |
Mark W. Horner | Florida State University, USA |
David S. Hurwitz | Oregon State University, USA |
Sherif Ishak | Old Dominion University, USA |
Tom Kazmierowski | Golder Associates Ltd., Canada |
Yung-Chen (Rex) Lai | National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Duo Li | Nottingham Trent University, UK |
Hani Mahmassani | Northwestern University, USA |
Eyad Massad | Texas A&M University, USA |
Kenneth N. Mitchell | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USA |
Walaa S. Mogawer | UMass Dartmouth, USA |
Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Mehmet Ozbek | Colorado State University, USA |
Harold (Skip) Paul | Lehigh University, USA |
Bhagwant Persaud | Ryerson University, Canada |
Jonathan Rubin | The University of Maine, USA |
Paul Ryus | Kittelson & Associates, USA |
Susan Shaheen | UC Berkeley, USA |
David Shinar | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
Steven Silkunas | IPSE, USA |
Frank Spielberg | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
David Suits | NYSDOT Geotechnical Engineering Bureau, USA (Retired) |
Omer Tatari | University of Central Florida, USA |
Erol Tutumluer | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Roger Wayson | NYSDOT, USA |
Yao-Jan Wu | The University of Arizona, USA |
Kun Xie | Old Dominion University, USA |
Murad Abu-Farsakh | Louisiana State University, USA |
Chengbo Ai | University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA |
Sam Allen | TRI Environmental, USA |
Jason Anderson | Portland State University, USA |
Mike Anderson | Asphalt Institute |
Alex Apeagyei | University of East London, UK |
Shivam Arora | University of Texas at Arlington, USA |
Magdalena Asborno | US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, USA |
Raul Avelar | Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, USA |
MD B. Sarder | Bowling Green State University, USA |
Anjan Ramesh Babu | Auburn University, USA |
Jesus Barajas | University of California, Davis, USA |
Rahim Benekohal | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Tejo V. Bheemasetti | South Dakota Mines |
Francesco Biondi | University of Windsor, Canada |
Tara Blakey | Jacobs, USA |
Roger Bligh | Texas A&M Transportation Institute |
Tatjana Bolic | |
Jeff Borowiec | Texas A&M University, USA |
John Bullough | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA |
David Byers | Quadrex Aviation, LLC, USA |
Sam Cardoso | ICAO – Technical Cooperation Programme, Canada |
Pedro Carmargo | Outer Loop Consulting, USA |
Juan Antonio Carrasco | Universidad de Concepción, Chile |
Necati Catbas | University of Central Florida, USA |
Xiaoyue Cathy Liu | The University of Utah, USA |
Peter Chen | Valley Transportation Authority, USA |
Bhaskar Chitoori | Boise State University, USA |
Charisma Choudhury | University of Leeds, England |
Eleni Christofa | University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA |
Francesco Ciari | Polytechnique Montreal, Canada |
Giovanni Circella | UC Davis, USA |
Adam Cohen | UC Berkeley, USA |
Domenic Coletti | HDR |
Surya Congress | North Dakota State University, USA |
Carmelo D'Agostino | Lund University, Sweden |
Salvatore Damiano Cafiso | University of Catania, Catania |
Subashish Das | Texas A&M Transportation Institute |
Christopher Day | University of Nottingham, UK |
Marco Diana | Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Tyler Dick | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Nemanja Dobrota | Kittelson and Associates, Inc. |
Rebecca Dodder | US Environmental Protection Agency, USA |
T. Donna Chen | University of Virginia, USA |
Sherif El-Badawy | Mansoura University, Egypt |
Karim El-Basyouny | University or Alberta - Edmonton, CA, USA |
Naveen Eluru | University of Central Florida, USA |
Michael Elwardany | Florida State University, USA |
Mohamed ElZomor | Florida International University, USA |
Alireza Ermagun | Mississippi State University, USA |
Mike Estey | City of Seattle |
Wei (David) Fan | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA |
Conrad Felice | C. W. Felice, LLC, USA |
Nicholas Fiorentini | University of Pisa, Italy |
Ghada M. Gad | Cal Poly Pomona, USA |
Lorena Garcia | TAMKO |
Timothy J. Gates | Michigan State University, USA |
Georgene Geary | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Daba Gedafa | University of North Dakota, USA |
Srinivas Geedipally | Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA |
Nikolas Geroliminis | EPFL, Switzerland |
Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis | National Technical University of Athens Greece |
Jodi Godfrey | University of South Florida, USA |
Tina Greenfield | Iowa DOT, USA |
Nicolas Grisham | USDOT, USA |
Jonathan Groeger | Wood, USA |
Jhony Habbouche | Virginia Transportation Research Council, USA |
Jessica Hafetz Mirman | The University of Edinburgh, UK |
Samer Hamdar | George Washington University, USA |
Maryam Hamidi | Lamar University, USA |
Jie Han | The University of Kansas, USA |
Chris Harper | Colorado State University, USA |
Samiul Hasan | University of Central Florida, USA |
Hany Hassan | Louisiana State University, USA |
Qing He | University of Buffalo, USA |
Zhengbing He | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Jose Holguin-Veras | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Jia Hu | Tongji University, China |
Xianbiao Hu | Penn State University, USA |
Mohamed Zaki Hussein | University of Central Florida, USA |
David Jones | UC Davis, USA |
Johan Joubert | Katholieke Universiteit , Belgium |
Kohinoor Kar | Arizona State University, USA |
Alex Karner | The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Ruimin Ke | The University of Texas at El Paso, USA |
Sharareh (Sherrie) Kermanshachi | University of Texas, Arlington, USA |
Aemal Khattak | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA |
Jack Klodzinski | Florida Dept. of Transportation, USA |
Karthik Konduri | University of Connecticut, USA |
Alexandra Kondyli | University of Kansas, USA |
Jake Kononov | DiExSys, USA |
Changhyun Kwon | University of South Florida, USA |
Jayhyun Kwon | Kennesaw State University, USA |
Yung-Chen (Rex) Lai | National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Chien-Lun Lan | Virginia Transportation Research Council, USA |
Ludovic Leclercq | University of Lyon, France |
Jaeyoung Lee | Central South University, USA |
Pengfei (Taylor) Li | Mississippi State University, USA |
Qing Li | Texas Department of Transportation, USA |
Wan Li | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Zongzhi Li | Illinois Institute of Technology, USA |
Chen-Yu Lin | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, China |
Jun Liu | The University of Alabama, USA |
Kai-Wei (Victor) Liu | Texas A&M University, USA |
Zhiyuan Liu | Nankai University, China |
Massimo Losa | Università di Pisa, Italy |
Tracey Mayhew | International Transport Workers' Federation, USA |
Mehran Mazari | Cal State LA, USA |
Kevin McGhee | Virginia Transportation Research Council, USA |
Juan Medina | The University of Utah, USA |
Ronald Medlock | High Steel Structures, LCC, USA |
Mohammed Hashem Mehany | Texas A&M University, USA |
Monica Menendez | NYU Abu Dhabi |
Steven Meyers | University of South Florida, USA |
Mohammad Miralinaghi | Illinois Institute of Technology, USA |
Sabya Mishra | University of Memphis, USA |
Alfonso Montella | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Lindsey Morse | Imperial College London, UK |
Ahmad Mousa | University of Nottingham Ningbo, China |
Meysam Najimi | Iowa State University, USA |
Rouzbeh Nazari | University of Memphis, USA |
James Nolan | University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Khandker M. Nurul Habib | University of Toronto, CA |
Phillip Ooi | University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA |
Osama Osman | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA |
Shiqi Ou | South China University of Technology, China |
Yanfeng Ouyang | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Angelica Palomino | University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA |
Agnivesh Pani | Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi, India |
Miguel Perez | Virginia Tech, USA |
Linda Pierce | New Civil Engineer, USA |
Kelly Pitera | NTNU, Norway |
Anuj K. Pradhan | University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA |
Ziyuan Pu | Monash University, Australia |
Sean Qian | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Xiao Qin | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA |
Xiaobo Qu | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden |
Gonzalo Rada | Wood PLC, UK |
Rimon Rafiah | Economikr Consulting |
Farshad Rajabipour | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Mohammad Rashidi | University of Texas-El Paso, USA |
Punyaslok Rath | University of Missouri, USA |
Maria Rella Riccardi | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Eric Ross | Federal Highway Administration, USA |
Prasant Sahu | Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, India |
Deborah Salon | Arizona State University, USA |
Nicolas Saunier | Polytechnique Montréal, Canada |
Peter Savolainen | Michigan State University, USA |
Rober Scopatz | VHB, USA |
Brandan Scully | Coastal & Hydraulics Lab of the Engineer |
Ipek Sener | Texas A&M University, USA |
Omidreza Shoghli | UNC Charlotte, USA |
John Siekmeier | Minnesota Department of Transportation, USA |
Edward Smaglik | Northern Arizona University, USA |
Kurt Smith | Applied Pavement Technology, Inc., USA |
Samira Soleimani | Louisiana State University, USA |
Mena Souliman | The University of Texas at Tyler, USA |
Raghavan Srinivasan | University of North Carolina, USA |
P. S. Sriraj | University of Illinois, Chicago, USA |
Calyton Stambaugh | Southern Illinois University, USA |
Aleksander Stevanovic | University of Pittsburgh, USA |
Monique Stinson | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Anne Strauss-Wieder | The Bloustein School: Rutgers University Edward J Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, USA |
Roy Sturgill | Iowo State, USA |
Theodore Sussmann | University of Hartford, USA |
Vivek Tandon | The University of Texas at El Paso, USA |
Lorant (Lori) Tavasszy | TU Delft, NL |
Hani H. Titi | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA |
Tomer Toledo | Israel Institute of Technology, Israel |
Daniel Tran | University of Kansas, USA |
Ioannis Tsapakis | Texas A&M University, USA |
Yelda Turkan | Oregon State University, USA |
Shane Turner | |
Avinash Unnikrishnan | Portland State University, USA |
Vikash V. Gayah | Penn State, USA |
Chieh (Ross) Wang | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Hao Wang | Rutgers University, USA |
Shuaian Wang | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
Xiaokun (Cara) Wang | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Xuesong Wang | Tongi University, China |
Kari Watkins | Georgia Tech, USA |
Brett Williams | Center for Sustainable Energy, USA |
Erica Wygonik | RSG Inc., USA |
Chenfeng Xiong | Villanova Univeristy, USA |
Di Yang | Morgan State University, USA |
Hong Yang | Old Dominion University, USA |
Hongtai Yang | Southwest Jiaotong University, CN |
Xianfeng (Terry) Yang | The University of Utah, USA |
George Yannis | National Technical University of Athens, Greece |
Shamsunnahar Yasmin | Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Xinbao Yu | The University of Texas at Arlington, USA |
Lishengsa Yue | University of Central Florida, USA |
Wael Zatar | Marshall University |
Brian Zelenko | WSP USA |
Guohui Zhang | University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA |
Yu Zhang | University of South Florida, USA |
Yunglong Zhang | Texas A&M University, USA |
Mo Zhao | Virginia Department of Transportation, USA |
Bo Zou | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Khaled Abdelghany | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Qing Chang | Auburn University, USA |
Aref Darzi | University of Maryland at College Park, USA |
Ishita Dash | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Jozef Grajek, Sr. | EJG Aviation |
Woon Kim | Federal Highway Administration, USA |
Pei Li | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Yuandong Liu | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Jiawei Lu | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Wei Ma | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR |
Meiyu Pan | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Puteri Paramita | SUNCORP, AU |
Ioannis Politis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Rimon Rafiah | Economikr Consulting |
Heng Wei | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Xingjing Xu | University of Florida, USA |
Jiguang Zhao | Oregon Department of Transportation, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.