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Waste Management & Research

Waste Management & Research

The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy
Published in Association with International Solid Waste Association

eISSN: 10963669 | ISSN: 0734242X | Current volume: 43 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Monthly

Waste Management & Research : The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy (WM&R) satisfies the growing demand for scientifically based essential information that can be utilised by waste management professionals in academia, government, industry, engineering, management, planning, and public health.

WM&R is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles relating to both the theory and practice of waste management and research.

The editorial group seeks to promote innovation and provide a bridge between academic studies and practical problems. Articles should address problems and solutions that are of general interest to readers.

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This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Routine human activities impact the environment and the consumption of natural materials and energy resources. The challenge to society is to minimize these impacts, maintain an acceptable quality of the environment, and sustain the quality of life and resource supplies for future generations. The generation of solid wastes is inevitable because all products have an end of life and humans and animals create wastes that have to be managed to maintain hygienic, healthy and tidy urban and open country environments. A key objective of the Waste Management and Research. The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy (WM&R) is to address these challenges through dissemination of scientifically based reliable information, e.g. in terms of waste prevention, waste recycling, recovery of energy from material residuals not suited for recycling or reuse, waste treatment, and waste disposal.

WM&R is a peer-reviewed journal that satisfies the growing demand for new and scientific information that can be referenced by waste management professionals in academia, government, industry, planning, engineering, management and operation. WM&R presents original work in the form of review articles, original articles, short articles, and letters to the editor.

WM&R encourages the submission of well organized manuscripts relating to sustainable waste management designs, operations, policies or practices and those addressing issues facing both developing and developed countries. Mass flow analyses, life cycle assessments, policy planning and system administration, innovative processes and technologies and their engineering features and cost effectiveness are among the key issues that WM&R seeks to cover through well documented reports on new concepts, systems, practical experience (including case studies), and theoretical and experimental research work. Manuscripts with limited scope or specialised application are normally not accepted. Studies on testing and characterisation of special waste streams or products with only a peripheral pertinence to solid waste management are normally referred to journals that focus on such topics. Manuscripts about modelling and software development are acceptable, when model and software applications remain accessible in the public domain. It is imperative that manuscripts are well founded in terms of existing literature and knowledge, including both recent and older publications.

Peer reviewers and editors evaluating manuscripts for publication consider as key criteria; originality, novelty and applicability of results in theory and/or in practice. Articles must be clearly written in UK English and authors must avoid duplication of information already published and avoid citing opinions without referenced foundations. Strict compliance with these and other WM&R manuscript submission guidelines is necessary to trigger the peer review process that could lead to subsequent acceptance for publication.

Senior Editor-in-Chief
Anke Bockreis Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Arne Ragossnig RM Umweltkonsulenten ZT GmbH, Austria
Costas Velis University of Leeds, UK
Associate Editors
Abhishek Kumar Awasthi Nanjing University, China
Andreas Bartl University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Alberto Bezama Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
Mohan B. Dangi California State University, Fresno, USA
Dimitris Dermatas National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Mario Grosso Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sigrid Kusch-Brandt University of Southampton, UK
Rodrigo Navia La Frontera University, Temuco, Chile
David E. Ross (Ret.) SCS Engineers, USA
Nemanja Stanisavljevic University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Antonis A. Zorpas Open University of Cyprus, Lab of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Sustainability, Cyprus
Editorial Board
Francesco Di Maria University of Perugia, Italy
Oliver Gohlke Dublix Technology, Denmark
Sunil Herat Griffith University, Australia
Telesphore Kabera University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Amani Maalouf University of Oxford, UK
Michael Nelles University of Rostock, Germany
Iraklis Panagiotakis ENYDRON - Environmental Protection Services, Greece
Sinichi Sakai Environment Preservation Research Centre Kyoto, Japan
Yuanyuan Tang Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China
Giovanni Vallini University of Verona, Italy
Goran Vujic University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Mi Yan Zhejiang University of Technology, China
International Advisory Board
Agamuthu Pariatamby Sunway University, Malaysia
Atilio A Savino A.R.S., Argentina
Carlos RV Silva Filho Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais, Brazil
David C Wilson Consultant and Imperial College London, UK
  • Abi/inform
  • BIOSIS database
  • Biological Abstracts Family of Products
  • CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management
  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  • Clarivate Analytics: BIOSIS Previews
  • Clarivate Analytics: Biological Abstracts
  • Compendex
  • Current Contents / Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences
  • Current Contents / Engineering, Comp, & Tech
  • Current Contents, Agric, Bio, Env. Studies
  • Current Contents, Engineering, Comp, & Tech
  • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
  • Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences
  • Environmental Science & Pollution Management
  • FLUIDEX on CD Rom
  • Inspec
  • International Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • WasteInfo
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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