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What do you need to know about the SEND Code of Practice?

SEND experts and authors of the essential guide to SEND legislation The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 Years: Policy, Provision and Practice provide a quick summary of the five biggest changes brought about by the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. 


  1. It places children, young people and their families at the centre, by involving them at all stages and taking on board their views and aspirations.
  2. We are moving from School Action and School Action Plus to a single category of SEN Support and making sure the impact of any interventions are recorded.
  3. We need to understand the differences between a Statement and an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) and how to move from one to the other.
  4. We need to decide how to link the SEN Information Report, the school’s SEN Policy and its contribution to the local authority’s Local Offer, in a way that is manageable and satisfies Ofsted Inspectors.
  5. We must ensure that the role played by the SENCO is a strategic one and helps to make a reality of the saying that ‘every teacher is a teacher of pupils with SEND.'

Chapter IconLearn more about how the SEN framework changed