Applied Statistics with SPSS
- Eelko Huizingh - University of Groningen, Netherlands
Quantitative/Statistical Research (General)
The book is pedagogically well developed and contains many screen dumps and exercises, glossary terms and worked examples. Divided into two parts, Applied Statistics Using SPSS covers :
1. A self-study guide for learning how to use SPSS.
2. A reference guide for selecting the appropriate statistical technique and a stepwise do-it-yourself guide for analysing data and interpreting the results.
3. Readers of the book can download the SPSS data file that is used for most of the examples throughout the book.
Geared explicitly for undergraduate needs, this is an easy to follow SPSS book that should provide a step-by-step guide to research design and data analysis using SPSS.
Lacks the statistical theory other books do provide.
I don't think this book is engaging enough for students, and I have found better alternatives.
i didnt recieve it till now
Still prefer Salkind's statistics book for overall simplicity and integration with SPSS. However, this is a very good supplemental text.
The book is really pedagogical and great way of introducing my students to the basic SPSS methods analysis.
In my opinion, it will be needed more examples, I mean, making more exercices with different data for each specific statistical test learned.
The rest, great.
Applied Statistics with SPSS is a well written text which we recommend as an entry level book for anyone doing quantitative project work using SPSS. This book has been well received by honours and masters students undertaking dissertation work which have a statistical element. Of particular significance was Part II (7) ‘Working with SPSS and Data Entry’ which many students reported as being the most important section of the book as it describes designing and conducting questionnaires with data entry. Other parts of the book which were very useful were (11) ‘Merging, aggregating and transposing data files’; and (12) Describing your data. Other sections of this book were found to be helpful, but sections 7, 11, and 12 were reported to be the most used parts of the book by students, as other books could not be found which covered the area as comprehensively as Huizingh.