Assessment for Effective Intervention
Articles published in Assessment for Effective Intervention are relevant for practicing educational diagnosticians, special educators, psychologists, academic trainers, and others interested in psychoeducational assessment. The primary purpose of the journal is to publish empirically sound manuscripts that have implications for practitioners.
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published in Assessment for Effective
Intervention (AEI) are relevant for practicing educational diagnosticians,
special educators, psychologists, academic trainers, and others interested in
psychoeducational assessment. The primary purpose of the journal is to publish
empirically sound manuscripts that have implications for practitioners.
Aarti P. Bellara | Western Carolina University, USA |
Nathan A. Stevenson | Kent State University, USA |
Brian Daniels | University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA |
Marissa J. Filderman | University of Alabama, USA |
Garret J. Hall | Florida State University, USA |
Jiwon Hwang | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Esther Lindstrom | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Megan Rojo | University of North Texas, USA |
Elizabeth Adams | American Institutes for Research, USA |
Julie Alanzo | University of Oregon, USA |
Amy E. Barth | Buena Vista University, USA |
Deni L. Basaraba | Amplify Education, USA |
Amy M. Briesh | Northwestern University, USA |
Rachelle Bruno | Northern Kentucky University, USA |
Gunnar Bruns | University of Wuppertal, Germany |
Mack D. Burke | Baylor University, USA |
Gregory Callan | Utah State University, USA |
Heather M. Campbell | St. Olaf College, USA |
Kelly M. Carrero | Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA |
Eunsoo Cho | Michigan State University, USA |
Theodore J. Christ | University of Minnesota USA |
Nathan H. Clemens | University of Texas - Austin, USA |
Sarah Conoyer | Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, USA |
Lauren Cozad | The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Franci Crepeau-Hobson | University of Colorado - Denver, USA |
Amy Crosson | Pennsylvania State University |
Shawn M. Datchuk | University of Iowa, USA |
Jeff Davis | American Institutes for Research, USA |
Rebecca S. Davis | Eastern New Mexico University, USA |
Bridget V. Dever | Lehigh University, USA |
Lisa Didion | The University of Iowa, USA |
Christian T. Doabler | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Nick Elksnin | Learning & Evaluation Resources, USA |
Chris Espin | Leiden University, Netherlands |
Sarah A. Fefer | University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA |
Abdullah Ferdous | American Institutes for Research, USA |
Aaron J. Fischer | University of Utah, USA |
Jeremy Ford | Boise State University, USA |
Lynn S. Fuchs | Vanderbilt University, American Institutes for Research |
Michael J. Furlong | University of California - Santa Barbara, USA |
Todd A. Glover | Rutgers University, USA |
Emily V. Gregori | University of Illinois - Chicago, USA |
Colby S. Hall | University of Virginia, USA |
Kate Helbig | University of South Dakota, USA |
Bridget O. Hier | Syracuse University, USA |
Elizabeth Hughes | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Stacy-Ann January | Univeristy of South Florida, USA |
Austin S. Jennings | Diploma Sender, Research and Analytics |
Amanda M. Kern | University of Nebraska - Omaha, USA |
Leanne R. Ketterlin | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Ryan J. Kettler | Rutgers University-New Brunswick, USA |
Stephen Kilgus | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Allyson J. Kiss | Independent Researcher, USA |
David Klingbeil | University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA |
Sarah K. Krowka | Instructional Research Group, USA |
Erica Lembke | University of Missouri, USA |
Esther Lindstrom | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Jessica Logan | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Chu Yi Lu | University of Delaware, USA |
Amanda Marcotte | University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA |
Ashley Mayworm | Loyola University - Chicago, USA |
Maryellen Brunson McClaine | Indiana University - Bloomington, USA |
Kent McIntosh | University of Oregon, USA |
Faith G. Miller | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, USA |
Stephanie Morano | University of Virginia, USA |
Peter Nelson | ServeMinnesota, USA |
Kirsten W. Newell | Texas A&M University, USA |
Eric L. Oslund | Middle Tennessee State University, USA |
Michael Paal | University of Seigen, Germany |
Sam Patton | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Corey J. Peltier | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Apryl L. Poch | University of Nebraska-Omaha, USA |
Sarah Powell | University of Texas, Austin, USA |
June Preast | University of Missouri, USA |
Matthew P. Quirk | University of California - Santa Barbara, USA |
Keith C. Radley | University of Utah, USA |
Tyler L. Renshaw | Utah State University, USA |
Kristen D. Ritchey | University of Delaware, USA |
Anthony J. Roberson | University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA |
Garrett Roberts | University of Denver, USA |
Jay W. Rojewski | University of Georgia, USA |
Natalie Romer | University of South Florida |
Karen J. Rooney | Educational Enterprises, Inc. |
Lisa M. Sanetti | University of Connecticut, USA |
Lina Shanley | University of Oregon, USA |
Sarah Wollersheim Shervey | University of Minnesota, USA |
Wesley A. Sims | Wichita State University, Wichita, KS |
Alex R. Smith | University of Nevada - Las Vegas |
Benjamin G. Solomon | University of Albany - SUNY, USA |
Gerald Gill Strait | University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA |
Crystal N. Taylor | University of Southern Mississippi, USA |
Joshua P. Taylor | University of Maine, USA |
Elizabeth L. Tighe | Georgia State University, USA |
Tammy Tolar | University of Houston, USA |
Jessica R. Toste | University of Texas - Austin, USA |
Adrea Truckenmiller | Michigan State University, USA |
Ethan Van Norman | Lehigh University, USA |
Amanda VenDerHeyden | Education Research and Consulting, Inc., USA |
Kyle B. Wagner | University of Findlay, USA |
Jeanne Wanzek | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Sara A. Whitcomb | University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Sara E. Witmer | Michigan State University, USA |
Suzanne Woods-Groves | Auburn University, USA |
Paul Yovanoff | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Rebecca O. Zumeta | American Institutes for Research, USA |
Susan Aigotti | University of Virginia, USA |
Staci Ballard | University of Massachusetts Boston, USA |
Katlynn Dahl-Leonard | University of Virginia, USA |
Xuechan Dai | University of Michigan -Ann Arbor, USA |
Kelsey Klatka | Kent State University, USA |
Anastasiia Iun | University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA |
Tatev Sarkissyan | California State Unversity- Los Angeles, USA |
Samantha Scott | Clemson University, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.