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142 Results Found for "31K"


Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)

Sage has an agreement with Manipal Academy of Higher Education to publish articles open access. The agreement for participating organizations will run from April 01, 2024, through to March 31, 2029. The details of the agreement are as follows: 

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with Manipal Academy of Higher Education and have an article accepted for publication between April 01, 2024, and March 31, 2029

Open Call for Papers

Looking to publish in a Special Issue for even more impact? Our website is regularly updated with the latest general and special issue call for papers across our Social Science, Humanities, Science, Technology, and Medicine journals. Make sure you read the relevant journal’s Aims & Scope and Manuscript Submission Guidelines before submitting and contact the journal’s editorial office with any queries about your article.

University of California (UC)

Sage and the University of California has entered into a three-year transformative open access agreement effective from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025. The agreement includes open access publishing of an unlimited number of articles by corresponding authors at all ten UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and provides researchers throughout the UC system with expanded reading access to the full portfolio of Sage journals.

Colombia (Consorcio Colombia)

Sage has an agreement with Consorcio Colombia to publish articles open access.The agreement for participating organizations will run commencing January 01, 2025, through December 31, 2027. The details of the agreement are as follows:

Universidad de Burgos

Sage has an agreement with the Universidad de Burgos to publish articles open access. The agreement for Universidad de Burgos will run from January 01, 2024, to December 31, 2025.


Sage has an agreement with CARL to publish articles open access. The agreement for participating organizations will run commencing January 01, 2021, through December 31, 2025. The details of the agreement are as follows:

Universitat Jaume I

Sage has an agreement with the Universitat Jaume I to publish articles open access. The agreements for the Universitat Jaume I will run from January 01, 2024 to December 31, 2025.

University of Kansas

Sage has an agreement with The University of Kansas to publish articles open access The agreement for participating organizations will run from the January 01, 2024 through to the December 31, 2025. The details of the agreement are as follows: 

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with The University of Kansas and have an article accepted for publication in 2025.

University of Michigan

Sage has an agreement with The University of Michigan to publish articles open access. The agreement for participating organizations will run from the 1st January 2024, through to the December 31, 2025. The details of the agreement are as follows: 

To qualify for the agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with The University of Michigan and have an article accepted for publication in 2025. 
