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84 Results Found for "Communication & Media Studies"


New SAGE Publishing text examines war through the lens of the social sciences

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the four-volume set, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives. Unlike traditional war encyclopedias that focus on military science and history, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives also covers the effect of wars on culture, trade, societies, and more.

Objectification in romantic relationships related to sexual pressure and coercion

Los Angeles, CA - To sexually objectify a woman is to focus on her body in terms of how it can provide sexual pleasure rather than viewing her as a complete human being with thoughts and feelings. While objectification has long been considered a problem in the media, how does it affect individual romantic relationships? New research published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, a SAGE journal, finds that more objectification of a female partner’s body is related to higher incidents of sexual pressure and coercion.


The environment at Sage is personal and inviting. Placing a high value on the relationship with our authors, we work diligently to form strong publishing partnerships.

The high cost of silencing scientists

London - What are government scientists allowed to say? In Canada, many are feeling “gagged” when it comes to discussing their findings – hampered by funding cuts and the increasing need for all public enquires to be media managed. Even in timely situations, such as the immediate aftermath of a local earthquake, they have felt delayed or prevented from talking directly to journalists.
