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Brabazon, Tara

Tara Brabazon

Tara is the Professor of Creative Media and Head of Photography and Creative Media at the University of Bolton, Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA) and Director of the Popular Culture Collective. She has worked in the United Kingdom, Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand and Canada.

Sills, Charlotte

Charlotte Sills

Charlotte Sills is a UKCP registered psychotherapist in private practice and a coach, supervisor, trainer and consultant in a variety of settings. She is a BACP senior accredited supervisor, a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst and member of faculty on the MSc in Executive Coaching and PG Dip in Organisational Supervision at Ashridge Hult Business School where she is Professor of Coaching.

McGuigan, Jim

Jim McGuigan

Jim McGuigan is a freelance researcher, writer and artist. He is also Emeritus Professor of Cultural Analysis at Loughborough University UK.  Previously, he taught at Coventry, Leeds, Leeds Trinity, Open and Wolverhampton Universities. He was a research officer at the Arts Council of GB and a script editor in the BBC TV Drama (Plays) Department.

Catherine E. Harnois

Catherine E. Harnois is Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Wake Forest University, where she teaches courses on social inequality and research methods. She is the author of two books: Feminist Measures in Survey Research (SAGE 2013) and Analyzing Inequalities: An Introduction to Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality Using the US General Social Survey (SAGE, 2018).

Gregory Scott Francis

Greg Francis is a Professor of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. in Cognitive and Neural Systems from Boston University. He teaches undergraduate statistics for psychology students as well as selected other courses. His research focuses on mathematical models of visual perception. In 2003 Greg was awarded the teaching award for the psych department.

Martin, Deborah

Deborah Martin

Deborah Martin is Professor of Geography at Clark University in Massachusetts. 
