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Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

eISSN: 19427522 | ISSN: 01455613 | Current volume: 104 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 10 Times/Year
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal is a fully open access publication that provides practical, peer-reviewed original clinical articles, highlighting scientific research relevant to clinical care, and case reports that describe unusual entities or innovative approaches to treatment and case management. ENT Journal utilizes multiple channels to deliver authoritative and timely content that informs, engages, and shapes the industry now and into the future.

Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licence. The APC for this journal is currently 2,800 USD.

The article processing charge (APC) is payable when a manuscript is accepted after peer review, before it is published. The APC is subject to taxes where applicable. Please see further details here.

This journal changed its publication mode from subscription to open access in August 2019.

If you have questions about this journal, please email the Publishing Editor:
Kristina Moulton |

Submit your manuscript today at

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal is an open access publication that provides practical, peer-reviewed original clinical articles, highlighting scientific research relevant to clinical care, original manuscripts and basic science studies, scholarly reviews, and case reports that describe unusual entities or innovative approaches to treatment and case management. ENT Journal utilizes multiple channels to deliver authoritative and timely content that informs, engages, and shapes the industry now and into the future.

Our goal is to publish sound, clinically relevant science.This means we look for research that adheres to ethical standards, uses robust methodologies that are transparent and reproducible, and uses appropriate statistical analyses to ensure clear, credible, and trustworthy results. We care more about the quality and reliability of the contribution an article makes than we do the size of that contribution. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal evaluates manuscripts based on how the research was conducted and reported.

Regularly featured ENT article topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Pediatric Otolaryngology, Rhinology and Otology
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Studies
  • Objective Audiology Testing
  • Salivary Gland Diseases
  • Transoral Robotic Surgery
  • Surgery: Head, Neck, Skull Base
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Audiology approaches for the population that is difficult to test
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Studies
  • Allergy

Regularly featured ENT clinics include:

  • Otoscopic Clinic
  • Rhinoscopic Clinic
  • Laryngoscopic Clinic
  • Imaging Clinic
  • Pathology Clinic
  • Dysphagia Clinic
  • Head and Neck Clinic
  • Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic
  • Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinic
  • Clinical Nuggets

Manuscripts will be subject to an Article Processing Charge. Please see the full description for more details.

Rick Chandra, MD Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Clinic Editors: Dysphagia
Gregory N. Postma, MD Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
Anaïs Rameau, M.D. MPhil Weill Cornell Medical College, NY, USA
Clinic Editors: Facial Plastic Surgery
Douglas M. Sidle, MD Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Clinic Editors: Geriatric Otolaryngology
Karen M. Kost, MD, FRCSC McGill University, Canada
Kourosh Parham, MD, PhD University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT, USA
Clinic Editors: Head and Neck
Mainak Dutta, MS, FACS All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, India
Clinic Editors: Imaging
Ramón E. Figueroa, MD, FACR Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
Enrique Palacios, MD, FACR Tulane University Hospital and Clinic, New Orleans, LA, USA
Clinic Editors: Laryngoscopic
Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Clinic Editors: Otoscopic
Brian J. McKinnon, MD Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Clinic Editors: Pathology
Mitra Mehrad, MD Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Clinic Editors: Pediatric Otolaryngology
Rande H. Lazar, MD OCM, Memphis, TN, USA
Clinic Editors: Rhinoscopic
Yvonne Chan, MD, FRCSC, MSc, HBSc University of Toronto, Canada
Clinic Editors: Special Topics
Rakesh Chandra, MD Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Clinic Editors: Thyroid and Parathyroid
David Goldenberg, MD Penn State University, State College, PA
Case Reports Editor
Jack B. Anon, MD University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Editorial Board
Jean Abitbol, MD Drexel University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Jack B. Anon, MD University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Samba Bathula DMC Medical Group, MI, USA
Nuray Bayar Muluk, MD Kirikkale University, Turkey
Kenneth H. Brookler, MD Purchase College, New York, USA
Nathan Cass Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Yvonne Chan, MD, FRCSC, MSc, HBSc University of Toronto, Canada
Chien Chen, MD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA
Naweed Chowdhury, MD, MPH Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Daniel H. Coelho, MD, FACS Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA
Ognjen Cukic, MD Military Medical Academy, Serbia
Rima Abraham DeFatta, MD DeFatta ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, Altoona, WI, USA
Karuna Dewan Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Irit Duek, MD Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Mainak Dutta, MS, FACS All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, India
Tolga ersözlü, MD Namik Kemal University Medical School, Turkey
Elisabeth Ference, MD MPH Facey Medical Group, Valencia, CA, USA
Ramón E. Figueroa, MD, FACR Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA
Mark A. Fritz, MD University of Kentucky, USA
Arun Gadre Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, USA
Sumana Ghosh, PhD University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA
David Goldenberg, MD Penn State University, State College, PA
Samuel Gubbels, MD University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO, USA
Reena Gupta, MD Osborne Head & Neck Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Joseph Haddad Jr., MD Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Glenn Isaacson, MD Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Steven F. Isenberg, MD Community Hospitals of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Amin R. Javer, MD FRCSC FARS St. Paul's Sinus Centre, Canada
Junhui Jeong, MD, PhD The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Stephanie A. Joe, MD University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Raleigh O. Jones Jr., MD University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Petros D. Karkos, MD, AFRCS, PhD, MPhil Liverpool University Hospitals, Chester, United Kingdom
David William Kennedy, MD University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Edward C. Kuan, MD, MBA University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, USA
Rande H. Lazar, MD OCM, Memphis, TN, USA
Keat-Jin Lee, MD S New England ENT & FP Group, New Haven, CT, USA
Christopher Liu, MD, FACS University of Texas at Southwestern, USA
Tal Marom, MD Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Richard Mattes, PhD Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
William A. McIntosh, MD UNIV WITWATERSRAND RETIRED, Johannesburg, South Africa
Brian J. McKinnon, MD Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Oleg A. Melnikov, MD GUTA-Clinic, Moscow, Russia
Albert L. Merati, MD, FACS UW, Seattle, WA, USA
Ron B. Mitchell, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center; Children's Medical Center Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA
Jaime Eaglin Moore, MD Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
Matthew Naunheim Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Yusu Ni, MD, PhD Fudan University, China
Jason Ohlstein, MD, MS, MPH St. Luke's University Hospital Network, USA
Eng H. Ooi, MBBS, PhD, FRACS Flinders University, Australia
Abdulkadir Özgür, MD Istanbul Yeni Yuzyil University, Turkey
Enrique Palacios, MD, FACR Tulane University Hospital and Clinic, New Orleans, LA, USA
Kourosh Parham, MD, PhD University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT, USA
Spencer C. Payne, MD University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Aleksandar Peric, MD, PhD University of Defence, Belgrade, Serbia
Joel E. Portnoy ENT and Allergy Associates, Lake Success, NY, USA
Gregory N. Postma, MD Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
Hassan H. Ramadan, MD, FACS West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
Miriam Redleaf UIC Department of Otolaryngology, IL, USA
Dale H. Rice, MD University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
John S. Rubin, MD, FACS, FRCS Royal National Throat Nose Ear Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Moncef Sellami, MD Habib Bourguiba Hospital, Sfax, Tunisia
Michael Setzen, MD, FACS, FAAP Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
Amber D. Shaffer, PhD UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, USA
Dipesh Shakya, MD, MS Civil Service Hospital, Nepal
Douglas M. Sidle, MD Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Aristides Sismanis, MD, FACS Medical School of Athens University, Athens, Greece
James A. Stankiewicz, MD Loyola University Medical Center, Hines, IL, USA
Marios Stavrakas Plymouth Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Mausumi Syamal, MD Lehigh Valley Physician Group-Ear, Nose & Throat, PA, USA
David Thompson, MD Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA
Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur, MD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA
Sena Turkdogan, MD, MPH, FRCSC McGill University, Canada
Meghan Turner, MD, FACS West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, USA
Mohammad Waheed El-Anwar, MD Zagazig University, Egypt
Editor Emeritus
Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
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  • PubMed: MEDLINE
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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