Environment and Planning F
Visit the other journals from the Environment and Planning suite:
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/epf
Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice seeks to plug a gap in current publishing in Geography. It aims to attract agenda-setting papers that break new ground by forging connections between cutting-edge research in all areas of the subject. It is a whole-of-discipline journal that makes a virtue of Geography’s considerable diversity and vitality. Its papers, however specialised, will speak to the widest possible readership of researchers in Geography and also cognate fields like Planning, Sociology, Environmental Management and Environmental Science. Contributions will use comparative analysis, critique, creative thinking, counter-factual reasoning and other mechanisms to achieve ‘value added’ in key cross-cutting areas, notably the philosophical underpinnings of research; the definition and uses of theory; the employment of various models; of various research methods and methodologies; and the link of research to practical impacts of various kinds (for instance, via public policy).
The journal exists to create new pathways that allow novel and productive patterns of thinking to emerge across and between Geography many sub-disciplinary communities. This will generate new ideas and modes of working across divisions in the discipline and leverage Geography’s potential to respond to the complex challenges and opportunities of our time in original and innovative ways. EPF aspires to be a ‘weaving’ journal rather than simply a place where human, environmental geographers can publish with limited cognisance of each other’s work.
The journal publishes research papers, commentaries on these papers and periodic ‘perspective’ articles that are more speculative or reflective. It also publishes book review forums.
We welcome suggestions for special sections and issues.
Noel Castree | University of Manchester, UK |
Agnieszka Leszczynski | Western University, Canada |
Dallas Rogers | The University of Sydney, Australia |
Tim Schwanen | University of Oxford, UK |
J. Anthony Stallins | University of Kentucky, USA |
Christine Bierman | University of Colorado, USA |
Gary Brierley | University of Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand |
Jonathan Corcoran | University of Queensland, Australia |
Michelle Daigle | University of Toronto, Canada |
David Demeritt | King’s College London, UK |
Jeremy Diem | Georgia State University |
LaToya Eaves | University of Tennessee |
Sarah Elwood | University of Washington |
Karen Fisher | University of Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand |
Jennifer Fitchett | University of Witwatersrand, South Africa |
Matthew Gandy | University of Cambridge, UK |
Chris Gibson | University of Wollongong, Australia |
Julie Guthman | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Jouni Hakli | Tampere University |
Sarah Knuth | Durham University, UK |
Uma Kothari | Manchester University, UK |
Mei-Po Kwan | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Rebecca Lave | Indiana University |
George Lin | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China |
Weidong Liu | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Shuaib Lwasa | Univ of Makerere |
Martin Müller | University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Darla Munroe | Ohio State University, USA |
Rachel Pain | University of Newcastle, UK |
Hester Parr | Glasgow University |
Beth Perry | University of Sheffield, UK |
Jonathan Rigg | Bristol University |
Eric Sheppard | University California, Los Angeles, USA |
Brandi Summers | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Juanita Sundberg | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Andrew Tucker | University of Cape Town |
Jane Wills | Exeter University |
Dariusz Wójcik | Oxford University |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.