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How to Ask Survey Questions

How to Ask Survey Questions

Second Edition

January 2003 | 160 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
'''''I am truly amazed at how complete this booklet is. What a wealth of material to help in developing questions!'''--Bonnie Rader, California State University, Long Beach''Aimed at helping readers prepare and use reliable and valid survey questions, How to Ask Survey Questions, 2nd shows readers how to do the following: ''· Ask valid and reliable questions for the context''· Determine whether to use open or closed questions''· Choose the right type of measurement (categorical, nominal or ordinal) for responses to survey questions''· Ask questions that get at attitude, behavior, and knowledge''· Develop factorial, conjoint and Internet survey questions''New to this edition is coverage of focus group questions, the characteristics and uses of factorial questions and conjoint analysis questions, and the principles underlying Internet survey questions.
How to Ask Survey Questions: Learning Objectives
Ch 1. Asking Questions: A Matter of Context
Checklist for Deciding the Survey's Context

Guidelines for Asking Survey Questions

Guidelines for Using Conventional Language When Asking Survey Questions

Ch 2. Keep Questions Closed or Open them Up?
Open-Ended Questions

Closed or Closed-Ended Questions

Checklist for Deciding Between Open- and Closed-Ended Questions

Ch 3. Responses: Choices and Measurement
Response Choices

Categorical or Nominal Measures: How to Get Them

Categorical Responses and Who Is Eligible

Categorical Responses Are Exclusive

Categorical Responses Are Inclusive

Categorical Responses and Meaning

Questions With Ordered Responses: How to Get Ordinal Data Using Common Rating Scales

Guidelines for Asking Closed Questions and Determining Ordered Responses or Scales

Numerical Measures

Ch 4. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior: Additional Tips for Creating Survey Questions
Feelings and Intensity: Getting at the Attitude

Recall and Time: Getting at Behavior

Regulating Difficulty and Threat: Getting at Knowledge

Demographics: Who Are the Respondents?

Age, Income, and Education

Guidelines for Asking Questions on Vital Statistics and Demographics

Ch 5. Special Survey Questions: Factorial, Conjoint, and Online
Facturial Survey Questions: Constant or Changeable Beliefs?

Guidelines for Creating Factorial Survey Questions

Conjoint Analysis Questions: Which Do You Prefer?

Online Survey Questions

Dropdown Lists

Select One

Check All That Apply

Several Questions With the Same Response Choices

Open-Ended Questions

Ch 6. Survey Question Techniques for the Survey Team: The Focus Group
Focus Group Questions

Checklist for Conducting a Focus Group

Checklist for a Good Focus Group Question Sequence

Suggested Readings
About the Author

"I am truly amazed at how complete this booklet is. What a wealth of material to help in developing questions!"

Bonnie Rader
California State University, Long Beach

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ISBN: 9780761925798

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