Journal of Neutron Research
The Journal of Neutron Research publishes original research papers of an experimental and theoretical nature in four areas of specialisation in neutron research:
- Research Science with Neutrons
- Neutron Instrumentation and Techniques
- Reactor and Spallation Source Technology
- Neutron Simulation Tools, Data Reduction and Analysis
Short workshop or conference proceedings may also be published and from time to time review articles will be considered. While the editors encourage contributions in the above special fields, research papers and short reports in other areas of neutron science, especially those without an obvious traditional journal home, will also be considered for publication.
The Journal of Neutron Research publishes original research papers of an experimental and theoretical nature in four areas of specialisation in neutron research:
- Research Science with Neutrons
- Neutron Instrumentation and Techniques
- Reactor and Spallation Source Technology
- Neutron Simulation Tools, Data Reduction and Analysis
Short workshop or conference proceedings may also be published and from time to time review articles will be considered. While the editors encourage contributions in the above special fields, research papers and short reports in other areas of neutron science, especially those without an obvious traditional journal home, will also be considered for publication.
Eddy Lelièvre-Berna | Institut Laue-Langevin, France |
Ken Andersen | Institut Laue-Langevin, France |
Masatoshi Arai | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Sweden |
Robert Bewley | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK |
Leighton Coates | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Robert Dalgiesh | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK |
Sylvain Désert | Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France |
Charles Dewhurst | Institut Laue-Langevin, France |
Georg Ehlers | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Robert Georgii | Technische Universität München, Germany |
Klaus Habicht | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Germany |
Monica Hartl | European Spallation Source, Sweden |
Yamali Hernandez | NIST Center for Neutron Research, USA |
Richard Ibberson | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
Alexander Ioffe | MLZ Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany |
Erwin Jericha | Technical University, Austria |
Koji Kaneko | Materials Science Research Center, Japan |
Oliver Kirstein | European Spallation Source, Sweden |
Sergey Kulikov | JINR, Russia |
Kim Lefmann | University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Fujio Maekawa | JAEA, Japan |
Subhankur Mitra | BARC, India |
Richard Mole | Bragg Institute, Australia |
Evgeny Moskvin | Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia |
Scott Olsen | Bragg Institute, Australia |
Toshiya Otomo | J-PARC, Japan |
Catherine Pappas | TU Delft, The Netherlands |
Margarita Russina | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany |
Javier Santisteban | CNEA, Argentina |
Hirohiko M. Shimizu | Nagoya University, Japan |
Markus Strobl | Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland |
Xin Tong | Institute of High Energy Physics, China |
Colin Carlile | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Gerry Lander |