Dag Aarsland
University of Stavanger, Norway |
Asa Abeliovich
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA |
Yves Agid
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, France |
Alberto Albanese
National Neurological Hospital Carlo Besta, Italy |
Anders Björklund
Lund University, Sweden |
M. Angela
Lund University, Sweden |
Ernest Arenas
Karolinska Institute, Sweden |
Alberto Ascherio
Harvard School of Public Health, USA |
Alim Benabid
University of Grenoble, France |
Daniela Berg
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany |
Hagai Bergman
The Hebrew University, Israel |
Erwan Bezard
University of Bordeaux, France |
David Blacker
Perron Institute for neurological and translational science, Australia |
Vincenzo Bonifati
Erasmus MC, The Netherlands |
Heiko Braak
University of Ulm, Germany |
Jose Bras
University College London, United Kingdom |
Alexis Brice
Pierre and Marie Curie University. France |
Helen Bronte-Stewart
Stanford University, USA |
David J. Brooks
Hammersmith Hospital, United Kingdom |
Paolo Calabresi
Policlinico Gemelli, Italy |
Piu (Bill) Chan
Beijing Institute of Geriatrics, China |
K. Ray Chaudhuri
Kings College Hospital, United Kingdom |
Marie-Francoise Chesselet
University of California, USA |
Cynthia Comella
Rush University Medical Center, USA |
Ted M. Dawson
John Hopkins University, USA |
Valina L. Dawson
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA |
Benjamin Dehay
University of Bordeaux, France |
Steve DeWitte
Connecticut Advocates for Parkinson's, USA |
Dennis Dickson
Mayo Clinic, USA |
Robert H. Edwards
The University of California San Francisco, USA |
David Eidelberg
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, USA |
Omar El-Agnaf
United Arab Emirates University, UAE |
Alberto Espay
University of Cincinatti, USA |
Ronald F.
Oregon Health & Science University, USA |
Stanley Fahn
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA |
Matt Farrer
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Howard Federoff
Georgetown University, USA |
Joaquim Ferreira
Hospital de Santa Maria, Portugal |
Tom Foltynie
University College London, United Kingdom |
Thomas Gasser
University of Tuebingen, Germany |
Larry Gifford
PD Avengers, Canada |
Nir Giladi
Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
Ann M. Graybiel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA |
J. Timothy Greenamyre
University of Pittsburgh, USA |
James G. Greene, MD, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA |
Rita Guerreiro
University College London, UK |
Mark Hallett
National Institute of Health, USA |
John Hardy
University College London, United Kingdom |
Etienne C. Hirsch
Centre de Recherche de l'Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, France |
Joseph Jankovic
Baylor College of Medicine, USA |
Hannington Kabugo
Parkinson's si Buko Uganda, Uganda |
Christine Klein
University of Lübeck, Germany |
Amos D. Korczyn
Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Dimitri Krainc
Northwestern University, USA |
Emma Lane
Cardiff University, UK |
Seung-Jae Lee
Konkuk University, South Korea |
Virginia Lee
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA |
Olle Lindvall
Lund University, Sweden |
Andres Lozano
University of Toronto, Canada |
Tim Lynch
University College Dublin, Ireland |
Laura Marsh
Baylor College of Medicine, USA |
Ian Martin
Oregon Health & Science University, USA |
Soania Mathur
Designing a Cure Inc., Canada |
Mark P. Mattson
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA |
Wassilios Meissner
University Hospital Bordeaux, France |
Darren Moore
Van Andel Institute, USA |
Robert Nussbaum
University of California San Francisco, USA |
Jon Palfreman
University of Oregon, USA |
Serge Przedborski
Columbia University Medical Center, USA |
Heinz Reichmann
University of Dresden, Germany |
Tamas Revesz
University College London, United Kingdom |
Richard Smeyne
Thomas Jefferson University, USA |
Olaf Riess
University of Tuebingen, Germany |
Trevor Robbins
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Marina Romero Ramos
Aarhus University, Denmark |
Anthony Schapira
University College London, United Kingdom |
Sonja Scholz
National Institute of Health, USA |
Han Seok Ko
Johns Hopkins, USA |
Jie Shen
Harvard Medical School, USA |
Todd Sherer
Michael J. Fox Foundation, USA |
Ira Shoulson
Georgetown University, USA |
Andrew Singleton
Yoland Smith
Emory University, USA |
Jon Stamford
Parkinson's Movement & The Cure Parkinson's Trust, United Kingdom |
David G. Standaert
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Benjamin Stecher
tmrwedition.com, Canada |
Leonidas Stefanis
University of Athens Medical School, Greece |
Dennis Steindler
University of Florida, USA |
Fabrizio Stocchi
IRCCS San Raffaele, Italy |
A. John Stoessl
University of British Columbia, Canada |
David L. Sulzer
Columbia University, USA |
James Dalton Surmeier
Northwestern University, USA |
Michele Tagliati
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA |
Jun Takahashi
Kyoto University, Japan |
Caroline M. Tanner
The Parkinson's Institute and Clinical Center, USA |
Malú G. Tansey
University of Florida College of Medicine, USA |
Bobby Thomas
Medical University of South Carolina, USA |
Eduardo Tolosa
University of Barcelona, Spain |
Jens Volkmann
Universitätsklinikum Wurzburg, Germany |
Laura Volpicelli-Daley
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Daniel Weintraub
University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Nick Wood
University College London, United Kingdom |
Zhenyu Yue
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA |