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Management and Business Review

Management and Business Review

Kalyan Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore

ISSN: 26941058 Frequency: Quarterly
Editors in Chief
Kalyan Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore
Christopher Ittner The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Wallace Hopp Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Executive Editors
Jaya Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore
Subodha Kumar Fox School of Business, Temple University
Kalyan Singhal Institute for Knowledge and Technology Management
Chief Operating Officer
Sushil Gupta Florida International University
Deputy Editor in Chief
Anup Srivastava Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Managing Editor
Assistant Editor
John d. Figueiredo Duke University, USA
Suzanne de Treville University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Preyas Desai Duke University, USA
Robin Dillon-Merrill Georgetown University, USA
Yu Ding Texas A&M University, USA
Alexandre Dolgui IMT Atlantique
Matthew Drake Duquesne University, USA
Jean-Pierre Dubé University of Chicago , USA
Robert Eccles Oxford University, UK
Andreas Eisingerich Imperial College London, UK
Omar El Sawy University of Southern California, USA
Jehoshua Eliasbergh The Wharton School, USA
Richard Ettenson Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Paul W. Farris University of Virginia
Ken Favaro act2
Fred Feinberg University of Michigan, USA
Kasra Ferdows Georgetown University, USA
Charles Fine MIT, USA
Baruch Fischhoff Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Stewart Friedman The Wharton School, USA
Alfonso Gambardella Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Giovanni Gavetti Dartmouth College, USA
Annabelle Gawer University of Surrey, UK
Mary Gentile University of Virginia , USA
Gerry George Georgetown University, USA
Stanley Gershwin MIT, USA
Pankaj Ghemawat New York University, US
Anindya Ghose New York University, US
Ranjan Ghosh Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
Itay Goldstein The Wharton School, USA
Mark Gottfredson Bain & Co., USA
Vijay Govindarajan Dartmouth College, USA
Linda Green Columbia University, USA
Dhruv Grewal Babson College, USA
Rajdeep Grewal University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Yael Grushka-Cockayne University of Virginia , USA
Alok Gupta University of Minnesota USA
Sushil K. Gupta Florida International University, USA
Stefan Haefliger City University of London, UK
Andrei Hagiu Boston University, USA
Nicholas Hall Ohio State University, USA
Gary Hamel London Business School, UK
Warren Hausman Stanford University, USA
Constance Helfat Dartmouth College, USA
Ola Henfridsson University of Miami, USA
Teck-Hua Ho National University of Singapore, Singapore
Andrew Hoffman University of Michigan, US
kartik Hosanagar The Wharton School, USA
Arnd Huchzermeier WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Salal Humair Amazon, USA
Mark Huselid Northeastern University
J. Jeffrey Inman University of Pittsburgh , USA
Ravi Jagannathan Northwestern University
Anjani Jain Yale University, USA
Dipak Jain China Europe International Business School
Karuna Jain Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Mansour Javidan Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA