Neuroscience Insights
- Molecular & Cellular
- Development & Plasticity
- Cognition & Perception
- Circuits & Behavior
- Computational & Theoretical
- Disorders of the Nervous System
- Integrative Physiology
- Neuropharmacology & Addiction
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Neuroscience Insights is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original papers on nervous system structure and function, from molecular to behavioral levels of inquiry. Neuroscience Insights focuses on basic research in the following areas:
- Molecular & Cellular
- Development & Plasticity
- Cognition & Perception
- Circuits & Behavior
- Computational & Theoretical
- Integrative Physiology
- Disorders of the Nervous System
- Neuropharmacology & Addiction
Neuroscience Insights (IF 2.9/Q2) welcomes original research, brief reports, reviews, mini-reviews, study protocols, and commentaries.
Click here to see a selection of the latest papers published in Neuroscience Insights.
Manuscript Submission
Elaine Ellerton, PhD | SAGE Publishing, USA |
Lora Talley, PhD | University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, USA |
Pinky Kain, PhD | Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Alex C Keene, PhD | Florida Atlantic University, USA |
Edward Korzus, PhD | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Paul J Mathews, PhD | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Bing Zhang, PhD | University of Missouri, USA |
Alexander J. Bies, PhD | Gonzaga University, USA |
Azizuddin Khan, PhD | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India |
Kendrick Kay, PhD | University of Minnesota, USA |
Sukant Khurana, PhD | Central Drug Research Institute, India |
Ruth Beckervordersandforth, PhD | Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
Michel Cayouette, PhD | Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and Université de Montréal, Canada |
Harald Hutter, PhD | Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Verónica Martínez Cerdeño, PhD | Shriners Hospital of Northern California, Uinversity of California, Davis, USA |
Anjana Nityanandam, PhD | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA |
Verdon Taylor, PhD | University of Basel, Switzerland |
Shabeesh Balan, PhD | Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India |
Laxman Gangwani, MSc, MTech, PhD | University of Missouri, USA |
Muralidhar Hegde, PhD | Houston Methodist Research Institute, USA |
Thomas I. Nathaniel, PhD | University of South Carolina, USA |
Udai Pandey, PhD | University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA |
Ashok Shetty, PhD | Texas A&M Health Science Center, USA |
Lora Talley, PhD | University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, USA |
Vineet Augustine, PhD | Scripps Research Institute, USA |
Shefeeq Theparambil, PhD | University College London, UK |
Alfredo Ghezzi, PhD | University of Puerto Rico, Peurto Rico |
Senthilkumar Rajagopal, PhD | Osmania University, India |
Armen Saghatelyan, PhD | University of Ottawa, Canada |
Jason Tait Sanchez, PhD | Northwestern University, USA |
Rahul Srinivasan, PhD | Texas A&M University, USA |
Zhiqi Xiong, PhD | Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Elio Acquas, PhD | University of Cagliari, Italy |
Angela Ozburn, PhD | Oregon Health & Science University, USA |
Igor Ponomarev, PhD | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA |
Sunil Dutt Shukla, PhD | Mohanlal Sukhadia University, India |
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD | University of California, San Francisco, USA |
Lutgarde Arckens, PhD | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
Jesus Avila de Grado, PhD | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Michele R. Brumley, PhD | Idaho State University, USA |
Timothy Ebner, PhD, MD | University of Minnesota, USA |
Anthony J Hannan, PhD | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Takao Hensch, PhD | Harvard University, USA |
Jon H. Kaas, PhD | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Leonard Kaczmarek, PhD | Yale University, USA |
Paulo Kofuji, PhD | University of Minnesota, USA |
Carlo Lai, PhD | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Robert Malenka, PhD, MD | Stanford University, USA |
Dennis O'Leary, PhD | The Salk Institute, USA |
Mendell Rimer, PhD | Texas A&M University, USA |
Sangram S. Sisodia, PhD | University of Chicago, USA |
Peter Somogyi, PhD, DSc | University of Oxford, UK |
Kazuyoshi Tsutsui, PhD | Waseda University, Japan |
Henrique von Gersdorff, PhD | Oregon Health & Science University, USA |
Mahsa Asadi Anar, MD | Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences, Tehran,Iran |
Mariagiovanna Cantone, PhD | A.O.U. Policlinico G.Rodolico-San Marco, Italy |
Diana Cunha-Reis, PhD | Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal |
Charles Kozhikkadan Davis, PhD | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Adil Deniz Duru, PhD | Marmara University, Turkey |
Nitesh Enduru, MS | UTHealth Houston, USA |
Mark Fry, PhD | University of Manitoba, Canada |
Luis Fernando Hernández Zimbrón, PhD | The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico |
Aarti Nagayach, PhD | University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA |
Hamidreza Namazi, PhD | Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia |
Bipul Ray, PhD | NIDCR, National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA |
Mohammadsobhan Sheikh Andalibi, MD | University of California, San Diego, USA |
Shanchun Su, PhD | LSU Health Sciences Center, USA |
Usama A. Syed, MS | Hörzentrum Oldenburg gGmbH, Germany |
Hash Brown Taha, MSc | University of Southern California, USA |
Yuqin Ye, MD | Fourth Military Medical University, China |
Xiaojie Zhao, MD, PhD | University of Chicago, USA |
Yulong Zhao, PhD | Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |