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Of all the curriculum subjects, one might argue that mathematics is perhaps the most demanding. Successful mathematics learning is ultimately dependent on the knowledge, skill and commitment of the teacher. There is a need for in-depth subject knowledge in order to teach with confidence. Take a look at the range of resources, expert views and tips we’ve put together on this essential subject.
QUIZ: What’s your relationship status with maths?
When it comes to mathematics it can be a love-hate affair. Whether you’re training to teach or in practice already take our fun little quiz to find out if your relationship with mathematics needs some extra attention and care!
Disclaimer: The result of this quiz is in no way scientific and is meant to be just for fun.
60 Seconds with Ed Southall
If you’re active on the Twittersphere you might know Ed Southall as @solvemymaths. Or perhaps you’re a subscriber to his popular maths blog filled with awe-inspiring maths animations and teaching resources! Whether it is his blog or his exciting new textbook everyone is raving about, Ed Southall has always been a keen advocate of understanding how mathematics works. Between his busy schedule as a teacher trainer at Huddersfield University and teaching maths at his local comprehensive school, we managed to catch this maths teaching star to find out, among other things, how to teach time to an alien.
5 books that take the fear out of maths
Have you ever noticed that the more you understand something, the less scary it becomes? This is especially true of Mathematics. Take a look at our recommended reading list - 5 books, written by subject experts that support ‘understanding’ in mathematics.
Good vs satisfactory mathematics teaching
What’s the difference between good and satisfactory mathematics teaching? When asking this question, we are, of course, referring to Ofsted’s use of the terms ‘Good’ and ‘Satisfactory’. In good mathematics teaching:
- children are given the opportunity to move beyond routine exercises in order to solve non-routine problems and open-ended tasks
- children expect to be given problems to solve and tackle these with independence
- good teachers of mathematics have good subject knowledge and use this to extend understanding and to help children make links and connections
- good teachers encourage pupil discussion
- children are expected to provide explanations of their reasoning in discussions
Handy resources and useful links
Below are some links to more useful resources and information for successful mathematics teaching:
The mini Dyscalculia Toolkit – a free eBook
Teaching maths Pinterest board
Teaching mathematics visually and actively
Teaching English and Maths in FE
Visible Learning for Mathematics
Curiosity and STEM
Independent review of mathematics teaching