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The book is my bible! I teach UG medical students psychology (Years 1-5) and always use it as a key reference for most topics including: Stress and health; Developmental Psychology and Health; Chronic illness; Grief; Health behaviour and behaviour change etc. I think the book covers really well the key theoretical approaches relevant to medical students/future clinicians and makes excellent use of practical examples. It helps students apply psychological theory to clinical practice and makes psychology relevant to medics in an uncomplicated and sensitive way.
Essential read for understanding psychological components of person-centred healthcare, in particular as it has dedicated chapters/resources for most specialties. I found the chapters on communication (clinical interviewing/EBM and adherence to treatment) a great addition to the chapters on symptom perception and illness beliefs and representations. Definitely an essential read.
The context of this book is perfect for the students on two of the courses I teach Research Methods to, and for all other students in the university at this level of study.
An excellent book written in simple understandable language for students of healthcare profession to understand the psychological aspects. The important clinical notes along with the summary and research boxes and at the end of chapter a few revision question is very good.