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Gives a good general overview of Mental & Emotional Wellbeing in primary schools, although this is mostly from the point of view of the English education system. Still, much of the contents is relevant to Scotland also.
This is a really helpful text which covers the importance of considering mental health and wellbeing when teaching in an accessible and realistic manner, the case studies are well written and contemporary and there are lots of really practical ideas for how children can be supported.
Very good focus on children's mental health and good range of topics so this book can be used on many sessions.
Concerns about mental health in children are rising. With the amount of time they spend with children, teachers are best placed to identify any issues and facilitate early intervention.
A really useful book that is easy to navigate and digest
This is a helpful book for a new module which I have started this semester. It provides an overview and introductory text for a number of concepts covered within the module.