Computability is the journal of the association Computability in Europe. It is a peer reviewed international journal that is devoted to publishing original research of highest quality, which is centered around the topic of computability.
The subject is understood from a multidisciplinary perspective, recapturing the spirit of Alan Turing (1912-1954) by linking theoretical and real-world concerns from computer science, mathematics, biology, physics, computational neuroscience, history and the philosophy of computing.
Vasco Brattka | Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany |
Paola Bonizzoni | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy |
Olivier Bournez | Ecole Polytechnique, France |
Elvira Mayordomo | Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain |
Liesbeth de Mol | University of Lille, France |
Rodney G. Downey | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Shiuchi Hirahara | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Hidenori Ishihara | Kagawa University, Japan |
Natascha Jonoska | University of South Florida, USA |
Ulrich Kohlenbach | Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany |
Alberto Marcone | University of Udine, Italy |
Russell Miller | City University of New York, USA |
Andrei Morozov | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia |
André Nies | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Ludovic Patey | IMJ-PRG, France |
Alberto Policriti | University of Udine, Italy |
Giuseppe Primiero | University of Milan, Italy |
Andrei Romashchenko | LIRMM, France |
Frank Stephan | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Vinodchandran Variyam | University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA |
Vlatko Vedral | University of Oxford, UK |
Rineke Verbrugge | University of Groningen, the Netherlands |
Linda Westrick | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Ning Zhong | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Samson Abramsky | University of Oxford, UK |
Manindra Agrawal | Indian Institute of Technology, India |
Eric Allender | Rutgers University, USA |
Jeremy Avigad | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Arnold Beckmann | Swansea University, UK |
Bruno Codenotti | Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Italy |
Stephen A. Cook | University of Toronto, Canada |
Anuj Dawar | University of Cambridge, UK |
Benedikt Lowe | Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Prakash Panangaden | McGill University, Canada |